人教版八年级下册英语unit2单词朗读( 二 )

give up doing sth =stop doing sth放弃做某事give up smoking 放弃吸烟
give sb. sth = give sth to sb. 给某人某物
give me money 给我钱=give money to me 给我线
You shouldn’t give up your hope. Everything will better.
4. We need to come up with a plan for the City Park Clean -up Day.
我们需要为城市公园清洁日想出一个计划 。
【解析】come up with =think up 想出
catch up with 赶上 追上
think about 考虑 think of 想起 think over 仔细考虑
【谚语】 Think before you act 三思而后行
【拓展】v+up with 构成的短语:
catch up with 赶上;追上
keep up with 跟上;跟、、、、、保持联系
put u with 容忍;忍得住
end up with 结束;以.......而结束
We need come up with a plan.
5. Oh , what did they ask you to help out with?
【解析】help out 帮助;帮助......出来
help sb. out 使某人脱离困境
He gave away plenty of money to the people in the earthquake
area to help them out .
6. They told me stories about the past and how things used to be.
他们给我讲过去的故事,并告诉我过去事情是什么样子的 。
【解析1】 (1) use v.使用→useful adj. 有用的 use up 用完
Studying English is useful.
(2) use sth to do sth 用某物做某事
We use Internet to find information.
(3) used to do sth 过去常常做某事,表示过去做过的事现在已经不做,只用于过去时态 。
My mother used to tell us story when we were young.
(4) be /get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事
My grandpa is used to living in country.
(5) be used to do sth 被用来做某事=be used for doing sth
Stamps is used to post letters.
He used to wear glasses . But now he is used to wearing contact lenses.
他以前常戴(框架)眼镜 , 但现在习惯戴隐形眼镜 。
7. That sounds interesting. 那听起来挺有趣 。
【解析】sound (1)n声音 We heard a strange sound.
⑴sound(n.)指自然界中所有的声音,可指悦耳的声音也可指噪音 。
⑵noise一般指很响的,刺耳的声音,即喧闹,嘈杂声等 。
③voice指人通过发音器官发出的声音(包括说话,唱歌等) 。
Mary has a beautiful voice. 玛丽的声音很美 。
Don't make such a noise. 别这样大声喧哗 。
— Did you hear any strang noise when the quake happened?
— No, I was in my garden with my flowers and was enjoying the beautiful sound of my birds at that time.
(2) vi.听起来,似乎,其后加表语(形容词 , 介词短语 , 名词)
—How does the music sound to you? 这音乐你听起来怎么样?
—It sounds beautiful. 它听起来很美 。
8. Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely.
是的,很多老年人都很孤独 。
【解析】alone / lonely 辨析:
(1)alOne= by oneself adj. 单独的 , 指无人陪伴的客观事实,不带感情色彩 。
He often walks alone to home .
(2)lonely ①指人孤独的 , 寂寞的,强调主观感受;②也可指某个地方是荒凉的
The old man lives alone,but he never feels lonely _.
9. We should listen to them and care for them .
我们应该倾听他们说话并且关心他们 。
【解析】care for 照看;照顾;照料
Many students in our school care for the old and they usually offer their seats to them on buses.
take care =be careful v.当心,小心
take care of =look after v.照顾,照料,照看
take care of 处理,做完
care for v.照顾,照看
10. Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.
来自河畔高中的马里奥 。格林和玛丽每周都会花几个小时去帮助别人 。
【解析1】give up 放弃
give up doing sth=stop doing sth 放弃做某事
I find it too difficult to learn English well. I want to give it up .
【解析2】several 可作定语,表示“几个”: = a few
Several boys were injured. 有几个小伙子伤了 。
My friend speaks several languages. 我的朋友能讲几种语言
11. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.
他每周六早上在动物医院做志愿者 。
【解析】volunteer v 志愿 n 志愿者
volunteer to do sth 志愿做某事
Jack volunteered to carry the water.
12. ... But I want to learn more about how to care for animals...
