【甜蜜蜜奶茶加盟官网】《哦,苏珊娜》I come from Alabama with my banjo on my kneeI"m going to Louisiana, my true love for to seeIt rained all night the day I leftThe weather it was dryThe sun so hot, I froze to deathSusanna don't you cryOh, Susanna,Oh don"t you cry for meFor I come from AlabamaWith my banjo on my kneeI had a dream the other night when everything was stillI thought I saw Susanna a-coming down the hillThe buckwheat cake was in her mouthThe tear was in her eyeSays I, I"m coming from the southSusanna, don"t you cryOh, Susanna,Oh don‘t you cry for meI"m going to LouisianaWith my banjo on my kneeOh, Susanna,Oh don‘t you cry for meI"m going to LouisianaWith my banjo on my knee 。
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