memtest86 怎么查看正反面坏位 memtest86是什么( 四 )
Using the Modulo-X algorithm should uncover errors that are not detected by moving inversions due to cache and buffering interference with the the algorithm. As with test one only ones and zeros are used for data patterns.
This is the same as test one but without cache. With cache off there will be much less interference with the test algorithm. However, the execution time is much, much longer. This test may find very subtle errors missed by previous tests.
This is the first extended test. This is the same as test #5 except that we do more memory moves before checking memory. Errors from this test are not used to calculate BadRAM patterns.
By using an 8 bit pattern with cache off this test should be effective in detecting all types of errors. However, it takes a very long time to execute and there is a low probability that it will detect errors not found by the previous tests.
This is the first test to use the Modulo-X algorithm with adata patternother than ones and zeros. This combination of algorithm and data pattern should be quite effective. However, it's very long execution time relegates it to the extended test section.
This test should be the most effective in finding errors that are data pattern sensitive. However, without cache it's execution time is excessively long.
memtest86一定要全跑完 。memtest86最新版是一款非常专业的内存性能测试工具,通过它,不仅可以彻底的检测出电脑内存的稳定度,如检测CPU的型号、缓存性能以及内存容量 。
Q4:memtest86 4.2使用说明
在主界面上单击开始测试即可运行软件 。
开始测试后,主要的内存突发问题将在几秒钟内检测出来;如果是由特定位模式触发的故障,则需要长时间测试才能检测出来 。Memtest86 4.2一检测到缺陷位,就会在屏幕底部显示一条出错消息;如果完成几遍测试后,没有任何错误信息,那么我们可以确定内存是稳定可靠的 。
Memtest86+测试耗时较长,因此它不仅可以用于内存测试,还可以用于系统稳定性测试 。
64位旗舰版下载电脑蓝屏的问题,咱们在之前的文章中就已经介绍过不少了,但是由于每次win7旗舰版电脑出现蓝屏故障的原因都不同,因此咱们的解决方法也有些诧异,而每次面对win7旗舰版电脑突如其来的蓝屏故障,似乎很多用户都不知道该怎么处理 。这不,今天就有一位用户来咨询了,说是自己的win7旗舰版电脑突然蓝屏了,屏幕左上角还出现了“Memtest86+V2.11”的提示字样,那么这样的情况咱们要如何解决呢?下面,小编就详细的来介绍一下吧!
Defaults】并回车,选择【Yes】之后,再次回车 。
2.完成之后,咱们按【F10】键保存上述的设置,之后会弹出一个确定窗口,咱们直接选择【Yes】之后回车,此时系统会重启,BIOS主板就成功恢复出厂设置了 。
3.最后一步,也是最为关键的一步,咱们把主板内存拔出来之后用橡皮擦、擦几下然后再重新插入,将主板彻底的清洁一下 。之后咱们重新插入最好是换到主板上另外一个插槽上 。
memtest86test8报错原因如下 。
1、内存硬件问题导致memtest86test8报错原因 。
2、显示器或者屏幕分辨率过高导致的软件错误 。
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