人数的英文缩写ps 平均人数的英文是什么?

人数的英文缩写ps 平均人数的英文是什么?

  • 人人数用英语表达是什么
  • 人数英文
  • 平均人数的英文是什么?
  • 人数用英语怎么说?
人数用英语是the number of people
number of people
The rate is calculated by dividing that number by the total number of people in the labor force.
失业率就是用这些人数除以总的劳动人数 。The number of people going to the cinema seems to dwindle steadily.
看电影的人数似乎在逐渐下降 。White-collar workers are getting laid off in greater numbers than ever before.
白领阶级目前被解雇的人数比以往要多 。The number of nervous disorders was rising in the region.
该地区神经紊乱患者的人数在上升 。But some states run counter to the national trend and experienced a drop in the population of preschool children.
可是有些州与全国趋势背道而驰 。学龄前儿童人数下降 。He counted the number of people present and fetched up with twenty-one
他数了一下在场的人数,总共有21人 。The highest prevalence and numbers are in South-East Asia
东南亚维生素A缺乏症最流行,是患者人数最多的'地区 。This is the largest North Korean mass defection since the end of the Korean War
他们是自韩战结束以来逃亡人数最多的一群 。The number of people who have had to go on the dole has risen since jobs became harder to find.
自从工作变得难找以后,领取失业救济金的人数增加 。The people flocked to the polling places in greater numbers than ever before in history
他们成群结队地涌向投票处,人数之众,史无前例 。number是什么意思:
n. 数;号码;算数
v. 给编号;计算,数
The number was fifty.
该数字为五十 。There is safety in numbers
人多势众It was an irrational number.
这是一个无理数 。Which number on the card is a prime number?
在卡片上哪一个数字是最初的数字?The number raised to the logarithm of a designated number in order to produce that designated number.
被升到指定数字的对数上的数量,是为了得到那被指定的数目 。people是什么意思:
n. 人,人们;人民,民族;雇员,支持者;客人,朋友;家人,亲人
v. 居住在,把...挤满人
They are the unworldly people.
【人数的英文缩写ps 平均人数的英文是什么?】 他们是无俗念的人们 。Compare person,persons,people and peoples.
试比较person.persons,people,和people的用法The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存 。The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people.
将要加入委员会的是那些有道德、有文化、有能力的人 。Could it be applicable only to people in the East and not people in the West?
average size of the population.
people的意思是人,单体的个人或者许多人 。是实实在在存在的 。
population的意思是人口,人数 。
人数:number of people
他数了一下在场的人数,结果共有二十一人 。
He counted the number of people present and fetched up with twenty-one
他们估计参观者人数为1000万 。
They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million
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