热门考点help用法 help的用法


热门考点help用法 help的用法


help这个词比拟普通,但却是测验的高频词汇,下面说说help的用法 。


Can you help me to find my ring?你能帮我找我的戒指吗?


Can you help me find my ring?你能帮我找我的戒指吗?

Help me get him to bed.帮我把他放到床上 。

【注】当被动语态helped被应用时,to必定不可省略 。

You will be helped to improve your English.你将被赞助进步英语 。


Would you like to help peel the potatoes?你能帮我削土豆吗?


①help sb. with 资源网sth. 意为“ 赞助某人做某事”

Please help me with my French. 请帮我学法语 。
【热门考点help用法 help的用法】

Can you help him with this work ? 你能赞助他完成这项工作吗?

②with the help of /with one's help 意为“在……赞助下”,这里的with不可用under来取代

With the help of her, he found his lost child. 在她的赞助下,他找到了失踪的小孩 。

With the help of my teacher, I can pass the exam. / With my teacher's help, I can pass the exam. 在资源网老师的赞助下,我能通过这次测验 。
热门考点help用法 help的用法


③help sb. out 意为“赞助某人战胜艰苦,度过难关、解决问题、完成工作”

When I'm in trouble, he always helps me out with money. 每当我处境艰苦时,他总是用金钱赞助我度过难关 。

Please help me out with this problem. 请帮我解这道试题 。

④help oneself ( to )意为“自用(食物等)”

Help yourself to the fish. 请随意吃鱼 。

Please help yourself to some pork. 请随意吃点肉 。

⑤ help sb. into/ out of 意为“搀扶某人进入 / 走出”

He helped the patient out of the hospital. 他搀扶病人走出了医院 。

Can you help the p资源网atient into the hospital ? 你能搀扶病人进医院吗?

⑥cannot help (doing)=cannot but+不带to的不定式 意为“不禁, 忍不住, 不得不”

I cannot help thinking so.=I cannot but think so.我禁不住这样想 。
