【晚安的一些话语让人很感动的?晚安感人经典的句子_1】满怀期待地等待爱情的萌芽似乎很折磨人 , 但它实际上是一种令人难忘的经历 。如果你能熬过等待的痛苦 , 还有什么障碍是你不能克服的?
Waiting for the budding of love with anticipation seems to be very painful, but it is actually an unforgettable experience. If you can survive the pain of waiting, what obstacles can you not overcome?
女人骨子里的矜持和羞涩已经把她拦在了爱情的门外 , 所以即使她已经移情别恋 , 也很难像男人那样直接表达自己的感情 。
The reserve and shyness in a woman's bones have stopped her from the door of love, so even if she has moved on, it is difficult to express her feelings directly like a man.
Because you have experience.
男人是视觉动物 , 在三十岁、五十岁和七十岁时都是如此 。因此 , 五十岁以后 , 男人更有可能爱上一个年轻、漂亮的女人 。
Men are visual animals, which are true at the age of , and Therefore, after fifty, men are more likely to fall in love with a young and beautiful woman.
从这个角度来看 , 一个人是否爱你的答案很容易看出来 。当接触、关注和让步的频率增加时 , 这一点尤其重要 。
From this point of view, it is easy to see whether a person loves you or not. This is especially important when the frequency of contact, attention and concession increases.
我们相爱的那一刻 , 谁也没有想到会有分离的一天 , 我们只希望我们能并肩走到生命的尽头 。
At the moment when we fell in love, no one thought that there would be a day of separation. We just hope that we can go to the end of life side by side.
一个有自己光芒的女人在任何时候都是温暖的源泉 , 只要她在那里 , 他的心就会平静 , 他的心就会温暖 。男人渴望这种心灵的平静和温暖 , 所以一旦他发现一个能带来自己光芒的女人 , 他就不会放过她 。
A woman with her own light is always the source of warmth. As long as she is there, his heart will be calm and warm. Men yearn for this kind of peace and warmth of mind, so once he finds a woman who can bring his own light, he will not let her go.
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