
夜色渐浓,卸下一天的忙碌,点一盏明灯,望一望星空 。向光而行,总能遇见温暖与希望 。晚安 。
The night is getting darker. Take off the busy day, light a light and look at the starry sky. Walking towards the light, you can always meet warmth and hope. good night.
月亮踩碎星光,你是一袋藏于银河的幻想 。晚安好梦 。
The moon tramples on the stars, you are a bag of fantasy hidden in the Milky way. good night.


月亮挽着星子将夜色劝得温柔,你无意路过我心头且声色未露 。晚安好梦 。
The moon holds the star and persuades the night to be gentle. You have no intention of passing by my heart without revealing your voice and color. good night.
上帝为了补偿白天的诸事烦恼,所以给了我们夜晚的星月和睡眠 。晚安 。
In order to make up for all the troubles of the day, God gave us stars, moon and sleep at night. good night.

少走了弯路,也就错过了风景,无论如何,感谢经历 。晚安 。
Take fewer detours and miss the scenery. Anyway, thank you for your experience. good night.
愿余生有人鲜衣怒马,陪你烈焰繁华;愿余生有人素面白纱,陪你浅谈年华 。晚安 。
May there be someone in the rest of your life who will accompany you with your flame and prosperity; May someone with plain face and white yarn accompany you to talk about your years for the rest of your life. good night.

而今听雨僧庐下,鬓已星星也 。悲欢离合总无情,一任阶前点滴到天明 。晚安 。
Now, under the rain monk's house, the temples are full of stars. Joys and sorrows are always ruthless, and every bit of it goes to dawn before the stage. good night.
我寄愁心与明月,明月何时照我还 。晚安 。
I send worry to the bright moon. When will the moon shine on me. good night.

曾经风华少年时,岁月情深自辜负 。晚安 。
When I was a young man, I was deeply in love with the years and failed myself. good night.
襟上红尘太厚,而你一笑清明,抖落我好多年的江湖 。晚安 。
【干净治愈的晚安语录?睡前唯美晚安短句子】The red world is too thick on your lap, and you smile Qingming and shake off my Jianghu for many years. good night.

喜欢黄昏时分秾丽的晚霞,喜欢四季更迭的季风讯息,但还是最喜欢你 。晚安 。
I like the beautiful sunset at dusk and the monsoon message of the change of seasons, but I still like you best. good night.
照顾好你黑色的头发、挑剔的胃和爱笑的眼睛 。晚安!
Take care of your black hair, picky stomach and smiling eyes. good night!

想送你一条美梦,让晚安连同星星月亮随你入梦!晚安 。
I want to send you a beautiful dream. Let's have a good night with the stars and the moon! good night.
愿时光能缓,愿故人不散,愿你惦记的人能和你道声晚安,愿你独闯的日子不孤单 。晚安!
May the time be slow, the old friends stay, the people you care about say good night to you, and the days you go alone are not lonely. good night!

