生活中最大的错误是对犯错的持续恐惧 。
The biggest mistake in life is the constant fear of making mistakes
成功的关键是要相信你有成功的条件 。
The key to success is to believe that you have the conditions for success
人的缺点就像花园里的杂草;如果不及时清除,它们很快就会占领整个花园 。
People's shortcomings are like weeds in the garden; If not cleared in time, they will soon occupy the whole garden
一滴水穿透一块石头不是靠力量,而是因为它不放弃 。
A drop of water penetrates a stone not by strength, but because it does not give up
时间是个小偷,它悄悄地来,又带着沉重的损失离开,机会也是如此 。
Time is a thief It comes quietly and leaves with heavy losses So is the opportunity
当你快乐的时候,要想一想这种快乐不是永恒的 。当你处于痛苦之中时,要想一想,这种痛苦也不是永恒的 。
When you are happy, think that this kind of happiness is not eternal When you are in pain, think about it This pain is not eternal
哲学家无忧无虑,智者常乐 。不是因为所爱的都是他的,而是所拥有的都是他的 。
Philosophers are carefree, wise men are always happy Because what you love is not his, but what you have is his
眼泪和汗水的化学成分相似,但前者只能为你赢得同情,后者却能为你赢得成功 。
Tears are similar in chemical composition to sweat, but the former can only win sympathy for you, while the latter can win success for you
稻穗越是成熟,越是懂得折腾 。-- 短暂的积极的句子和感言
The more mature the ear of rice is, the more it knows how to toss and turn -Short positive sentences and testimonials
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