如果真的有逆向时钟的话,我想回到刚遇见你的时候 。因为那时我甚至对你的名字都不感兴趣 。
If there is a reverse clock, I want to go back to when I first met you Because I wasn't even interested in your name then
Looking at yourself is more important than looking at others
想起我们曾经拥有的甜蜜,所有的气体都消失了 。这真的很亲密,什么也切不掉——是我们彼此的爱 。
Thinking of the sweetness we once had, all the gas disappeared It's really close, nothing can be cut off-it's our love for each other
别人的离别与我无关,但只要你的眉毛轻轻皱起,我就不能坐视不管 。
Other people's parting has nothing to do with me, but as long as your eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, I can't sit idly by
【心情伤感句子深奥?表示伤感的句子句句扎心】我以为酒可以注入感情,但谁知道感情学会了游泳 。
I thought wine could infuse feelings, but who knows that feelings learn to swim
不管生活是否变好了,你自己都要变得更好 。
Whether your life is getting better or not, you have to get better yourself
Courage to say goodbye will encourage you to have a fresh start
有些人一旦错过,就是一生 。我不再主动联系,不想打扰你的生活,甚至偶尔也不打招呼了 。成长就是这样,不断地告别,不断地相遇 。
Once some people miss it, it's a lifetime I no longer take the initiative to contact you, don't want to disturb your life, and even don't say hello occasionally Growth is like this, saying goodbye and meeting again and again
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