
圣诞贺卡是传递心意的好方式 。
即使不是纸质的贺卡,电子贺卡也要精心准备 。


For Friends:送给朋友
You made Christmas merrier because you are my friend. I have always enjoyed the gift of friendship you gave me. Merry Christmas to you!
你让圣诞节更欢乐,因为你是我的朋友 。你的友谊就是最好的礼物 。圣诞快乐!
A season for giving and sharing is what Christmas is all about. You shared your life to me all throughout the year. I thank you for that. Merry Christmas!
圣诞节是一个给予与分享的季节 。在这一年里,谢谢你把你的生活分享给我 。圣诞快乐!
You are a present to me. I do not wish for anything more! Merry Christmas to you!
你就是我的礼物,有了你我不需要任何别的东西 。圣诞快乐!
It's a time for celebration and gatherings. I wish that you may spend your time meaningfully with the people close to your heart. Have a wonderful and merry Christmas!
是时候让我们欢聚、庆祝了 。我祝你能和你爱的人们共度一段有意义的美好时光 。祝你圣诞节快乐!
On this day I want to wish you more success so that you will continue to be a blessing not just to me but also to others. Merry Christmas!
在此刻,我祝福你能更成功 。正因如此,你能继续成为别人生命中的福星 。不仅仅是对我,也是对所有人 。圣诞快乐!
For Professional Relationships:给同事、老板、客户
You make work a lot less like work and more like a caring community. Merry Christmas, with thanks for all you do!
你让工作不像工作而更像一个充满爱的社区 。送上我最深的感激,圣诞节快乐!
The holidays are a perfect time to remind you how much I appreciate your business. I hope you enjoy a wonderful season filled with the people and traditions that mean the most.
节日真是个好时候,它总能让我想起自己对你的工作有多么感激 。我希望你能与你的亲友一起共享一个有意义、有传统氛围的节日 。
Happy Holidays and all the best to you in the year to come!
It’s a pleasure to work with you and a joy to wish you a merry Christmas!
Holiday time and all the time, I so appreciate the great work you do.
不管是在节日还是在平时,我都深深感激你出色的工作 。
Wishing you some well-deserved downtime over the holidays. You’ve earned it!
希望你在节日假期里好好享受休闲时光 。这是你应得的 。
Wishing you the beauty, blessings and joy this season brings.
祝你满满得到这个美好季节所带来的美丽、祝福与愉悦 。
Hoping that the new year brings you new opportunities and new possibilities. Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season.
希望新的一年能给你带来新的机遇与可能 。送上我最温暖真挚的祝福 。

We met, we fought, we conquered, We are stronger for all the challenges we faced getting here. May our love grow stronger the more Christmas seasons we spend together.
我们相遇,我们争吵,我们和解,我们所遇到的挑战让我们更加坚强 。我们会一起度过的圣诞节,而我们的爱也会随之更加坚固 。
At first, it was you and me against the world. Then the world realized we were meant for each other. Let’s celebrate this love by having a great Christmas together.
起初,是你和我一起对抗全世界 。后来,世界意识到我们就是天生一对 。让我们在这个美好的圣诞节里,一起庆祝我们伟大的爱 。
This year I have the best gift ever. I have you in my life! Merry Christmas!
You are the Christmas present I’ve wanted all these years. You are perfect just the way you are. Have a beautiful Christmas.
你就是我此生最想得到的圣诞礼物 。你是如此完美 。祝你圣诞节快乐!
Christmas comes once a year, but please know that I cherish you every single day.
圣诞节一年只有一次 。但是你知道吗,我每一天都如此珍爱你 。
Christmas is always so special because we spend it together. Merry Christmas, darling!
