感恩节英文介绍(感恩节的英文介绍)( 二 )

直到北方人掌握了联邦政府,感恩节才成为官方节日 。在19世纪中叶,地域紧张局面风行之际,风行杂志《戈迪夫人的书》的编纂莎拉约瑟法黑尔(Sarah Josepha Hale)为全国性的感恩节发起活动,以增进团结 。她终于博得了亚伯拉罕林肯总统的支撑 。1863年10月3日,在内战期间,林肯宣告在11月26日星期四庆贺感恩节 。



The holiday was annually proclaimed by every president thereafter, and the date chosen, with few exceptions, was the last Thursday in November. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, however, attempted to extend the Christmas shopping season, which generally begins with the Thanksgiving holiday, and to boost the economy by moving the date back a week, to the third week in November. But not all states complied, and, after a joint resolution of Congress in 1941, Roosevelt issued a proclamation in 1942 designating the fourth Thursday in November (which is not always the last Thursday) as Thanksgiving Day.
此后,每一位总统每年都会宣告这个节日,除少数例外,选定的日期是11月的最后一个星期四 。然而,富兰克林D罗斯福总统试图延伸圣诞节购物季(通常从感恩节开端),并通过将圣诞节购物季推迟一周,至11月的第三周来提振经济 。但并不是所有的州都遵照了,1941年国会通过一项结合决定后,罗斯福于1942年宣布公告,将11月的第四个星期四(并不总是最后一个星期四)定为感恩节 。
