一课译词:毛骨悚然 毛骨悚然是什么意思

一课译词:毛骨悚然 毛骨悚然是什么意思

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“毛骨悚然” , 汉语资源网成语 , 意思是毛发竖起 , 脊梁骨发冷;形容恐怖惊恐的样子(with one's hair standing on end; be absolutely terrified) , 令人毛骨悚然可以翻译为“make someone's blood run 资源网cold” , 表现“to cause one to feel frightened or unnerved” 。

黑暗中的脚步声令我毛骨悚然 。The sound of footsteps in the dark made my blo资源网od run cold.
这是那种使你毛骨悚然的微笑 。This was the kind of smile that made your hair stand on end.

Editor: Jade
【一课译词:毛骨悚然 毛骨悚然是什么意思】
