动词hate用法解析 hate是什么意思( 二 )

I don't like it when you shout at me. 我不爱好你对我大喊大叫 。
I dislike it when you whistle. 我不爱好你吹口哨 。
I don't love it when she tells me how to do things. 我不爱好她对我做事指手划脚 。
I love it when I hear you laugh.
我爱好听你笑 。
I should prefer it if you didn’t go there alone. 我倒愿望你不要一个人去那儿 。
We really appreciate it when she offered to help. 她来帮忙了,我们十分感谢 。
I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it. 如果你能赞助我做这事,我将十分感谢 。
I would appreciate it if you paid in cash.
假如你支付现金的话,我会不胜感谢 。
I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't mention it.
【动词hate用法解析 hate是什么意思】如果你不提它,我会很感谢 。
