她故意示弱,陆彬没有嫌弃她 。反而只是肯定她,说她身材很好,说她喜欢她的努力 。在陆彬的肯定中,夏梦渐渐沦陷 。
She deliberately showed weakness, and Lu Bin didn't abandon her. Instead, I just affirmed her, said she was in good shape and said she liked her efforts. In Lu Bin's affirmation, Xia Meng gradually fell.
像这种关键时刻消失的人,他喜欢你,但只是说说而已,想和你玩玩 。
Like this kind of person who disappears at the critical moment, he likes you, but he just talks and wants to play with you.
当你喜欢一个人的时候,你会发现那个人有很大的吸引力 。
When you like a person, you will find that person has great attraction.
那个人回心转意后不会对你好,但你会用自己的双手创造幸福 。
That person won't be nice to you after he changes his mind, but you will create happiness with your own hands.
不管什么原因,他只是没有以前那么爱你了 。
【智慧优雅的女孩名字?寓意大方从容自信女孩名字】Whatever the reason, he just doesn't love you as much as he used to.
女人要明白,“你是我见过最特别的女人”这种甜言蜜语并不代表爱情,而是男人惯用的挑逗战术 。一旦你相信了这句话,就等于给了男人一个伤害你的机会 。
Women should understand that the sweet words "you are the most special woman I have ever met" don't mean love, but the usual teasing tactics of men. Once you believe this sentence, you give a man a chance to hurt you.
回忆会是多彩的,而不仅仅是空白 。
Memories will be colorful, not just blank.
当你深入一个圈子,你会发现总有纠结 。大家表面上很友好,背后却互相指指点点 。
When you go deep into a circle, you will find that there is always entanglement. Everyone is friendly on the surface, but pointing at each other behind their backs.
当心里有一个人,而不是总是想太多,总是犹豫不决,什么都不愿意做,直接按照自己的想法去行动,永远是最靠谱的 。
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