风停在窗前,告诉你要爱这个世界 。
The wind stops at the window and tells you to love the world
可以说,我是一个有负面安全感的女孩,害怕社交,害怕人际关系,但这一切都没有透露给任何人,我现在正努力在我出生的家庭中频繁的争吵背后热爱生活 。
It can be said that I am a girl with a negative sense of security, afraid of socializing and interpersonal relationships, but none of this has been revealed to anyone Now I am trying to love life behind the frequent quarrels in my born family
他说,地球是圆的,所以即使他们站在一起,也会因为周长的差距而分开 。
He said that the earth is round, so even if they stand together, they will be separated by the difference in circumference
时间带来很多东西 。好的和坏的,永久的和暂时的 。
Time brings many things Good and bad, permanent and temporary
"你每天能做的最重要的事情之一就是睡个好觉 。" "如果你这样做,一切都会水到渠成" 。
"One of the most important things you can do every day is to have a good sleep" If you do this, everything will follow
你是别人心中的魔鬼,是我心中的仙女 。
You are the devil in others' hearts and the fairy in my heart
生活终于浇灌了我的小花 。
Life finally watered my little flower
朋友们,不要让背叛影响到你们的生活!你们的生活会越来越好 。用你的生命来遵守承诺 。勇气不是没有恐惧,而是努力带着恐惧向前走,但仍然逆风而行 。
【感慨人生入心句子?人生感悟的心情句子,句句经典入心_1】Friends, don't let betrayal affect your life! Your life will get better and better Use your life to keep your promise Courage is not without fear, but trying to go forward with fear, but still going against the wind
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