爱别人要适可而止,爱自已要全心全意 。
Love others enough, love yourself wholeheartedly.
路好不好走,也许我不能决定,但走不走却只有我能决定 。
Whether the road is easy or not, maybe I can't decide, but only I can decide whether to go or not.
总有一天,你会成为你想成为的人 。
One day, you will be the person you want to be.
不要迷失在他的世界里,傻得只剩下你自己 。
Don't get lost in his world. You're the only one left.
懂得取舍,淡定从容;懂得知足,怡养心性 。
Know the choice, calm and calm; Know contentment and cultivate your mind.
现在的生活不是你想要的,但一定是你自找的,无法改变的话,努力适应就好 。
The present life is not what you want, but you must ask for it. If you can't change it, just try to adapt.
做不到别人眼中的强者也有没关系,做到最好的自己就好 。
It doesn't matter if you can't be the strong in the eyes of others. Just be the best of yourself.
生活不宠幸你,就要自己去创造机会,去遇见更好的自己 。
If life doesn't favor you, you should create opportunities and meet better yourself.
一辈子很短,要么有趣,要么老去 。愿你遵从内心,光明磊落做自己 。
Life is short. It's either fun or old. May you follow your heart and be yourself aboveboard.
我就想配得上我所想 我的肩膀能撑得起我想要 。
I just want to match what I think, and my shoulders can support what I want.
谁都会犯错误,所以人们才会在铅笔上的另一头装上橡皮 。
Everyone makes mistakes, so people put an eraser on the other end of a pencil.
每当沮丧的时候 总认为自己做错了选择
When you are depressed, you always think you have made the wrong choice
当下的时代,平静的心灵才是真正的奢侈品 。
In the current era, a calm mind is the real luxury.
恰到好处的热情,才是一段关系的催化剂 。
Just the right passion is the catalyst for a relationship.
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