朋友圈感慨人性的句子 , 现实透彻 , 引人共鸣!
If you are not brave, no one will be strong for you! You just need to make yourself stronger That's why you have this idea
毅力对于勇气来说就像车轮对于杠杆一样 , 是支点的永久更新 。
Perseverance is to courage what the wheel is to the lever, and it is the permanent renewal of the fulcrum
分手后的女人是诗人 , 因此男人也是诗的主人公 。
After the breakup, the woman is a poet, so the man is also the hero of the poem
试图把时间分成碎片 , 挑出最轻和最亮的部分 , 把它们拼成一条星河 。
Try to divide time into pieces, pick out the lightest and brightest parts, and put them together into a galaxy
我眼中含着泪水 , 意识到分离是另一种形式的理解 。
With tears in my eyes, I realized that separation is another form of understanding
然后我意识到这是我眼睛里的光 , 但那又怎样 , 我爱的是你 , 而不是你闪耀的方式 。
Then I realized it was the light in my eyes, but so what? I love you, not the way you shine
我一直在想你 , 没有你我吃不好、睡不好 , 你在哪里!?
I've been thinking about you I can't eat and sleep well without you Where are you? ?
生活是如此美好 , 无论你选择如何度过 , 你都能度过难关 。这就像废物 。
Life is so beautiful that no matter how you choose to spend it, you can get through it It's like crap
阳光永远灿烂 , 快乐永远流淌!
The sun will always shine and happiness will always flow!
我卖的是夕阳 , 你像神一样慷慨地把光撒在我身上 , 如果你在灯光下走下公交车 , 我会跑过去拥抱你 , 从现在开始 , 地球被照亮了 。
【最能触动人心的朋友圈话语?发朋友圈的打动人心的句子】I'm selling the sunset You're as generous as a God to throw light on me If you get off the bus under the light, I'll run to hug you From now on, the earth will be lit up
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