写进摘抄本里的经典文案 , 句句触动人心!
如果你想变得强壮 , 那就跑吧!如果你想获得健康 , 就跑步吧!
If you want to be strong, then run! If you want to get healthy, run!
听我说 , 为我站出来 。
Listen to me and stand up for me
今生卖花会让你在来世变得美丽 。今生种花会让你在来世变得善良 。
Selling flowers in this life will make you beautiful in the afterlife Planting flowers in this life will make you kind in the afterlife
他总是说他是一个人 , 但当有人试图越过栅栏拥抱他时 , 他总是拼命地用砖头砌墙 , 用力推开他 。
He always said he was alone, but when someone tried to hug him over the fence, he always tried desperately to build a wall with bricks and pushed him away
在这温暖的尘世中 , 只有你是我的河流和湖泊 。
In this warm world, only you are my river and lake
两年的辛勤工作和汗水 , 你最了解其中的苦衷!" 。
After two years of hard work and sweat, you know the difficulties best! " 。
你不能给我希望 , 然后把我推入深渊 。
You can't give me hope and then push me into the abyss
一年过去了 , 我仍然无法将它从我的脑海中抹去 。人们自由自在地生活 , 而我却像狗一样一团糟 。我在家里整理东西的时候 , 发现了三本日记本 , 其中包括你的一张便签 。我真的想重新开始 , 我怎么能忘记过去呢?
One year later, I still can't erase it from my mind People live freely, but I am a mess like a dog When I was sorting things at home, I found three diaries, including one of your notes I really want to start over How can I forget the past?
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