故事总是这样在疏忽大意的间隙开始的 。故事的结局总是这样 。两朵花开放,天空相距遥远 。--张家界《穿越世界》(原题: Passing Through Your World )
This is how stories always start with carelessness The story always ends like this The two flowers are open and the sky is far apart -Zhangjiajie "Crossing the World" (original title: Passing Through Your World)
【文案句子有趣?简短有深意的文案句子】珍惜时间,珍惜每一秒 。毫无遗漏地做细节,认真地做,能做到这一切,还有其他不可能的事吗?
Cherish time, cherish every second Do all the details without omission, and do it seriously Can you do all this? Is there anything else impossible?
相遇需要一分钟,喜欢需要一个小时,爱需要一天,但是忘记你需要一辈子 。
It takes a minute to meet, an hour to like and a day to love, but it takes a lifetime to forget you
为了学习和进步,承认自己不知道的勇气 。勇气是跨越恐惧再迈出一步 。很多抱怨没有机会的人都不敢冒险 。
For learning and progress, admit the courage you don't know Courage is taking another step beyond fear Many people who complain about no chance dare not take risks
漂浮在蓝天上的少女,其纤细的右手中有黄金苹果的种子 。虽然所有人都看不见,但我知道焦到让手掌痛 。
A girl floating in the blue sky has golden apple seeds in her slender right hand Although everyone can't see it, I know it hurts my palm
不需要故意撒娇,也可以胡来撒娇,尽管如此,应该也会遇到打心底里觉得只要喜欢就好的对象 。
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