不要对陌生人讲轻松的笑话,因为这些笑话很容易被误解 。
Don't tell light jokes to strangers, because these jokes are easily misunderstood
你不需要用关系来证明你的年轻 。
You don't need relationships to prove your youth
研究中国的崛起 。周恩来 。
Study the rise of China Zhou Enlai
【朋友圈万人点赞的句子?特别走心的句子,发朋友圈人人点赞!】"爱是没有性别的" 。
"Love has no gender"
爱像一张老照片一样渐渐消失,但我知道我的心中永远有美丽的你 。
Love fades away like an old photo, but I know there will always be a beautiful you in my heart
要意识到有人处于习惯和感情之中,总是需要离开 。
To realize that someone is in habits and feelings, they always need to leave
最好的陪伴不是口头上的承诺,而是持续的存在 。世界上没有纯粹的傻瓜会为了你做任何傻事,他们都是真诚的 。没有一个真正的傻瓜会为了你而忍气吞声,这都是深爱 。
The best company is not verbal commitment, but continuous existence No pure fool in the world will do anything stupid for you, they are all sincere No real fool will swallow his pride for you, it's all deep love
随着人们年龄的增长,他们总是更加宽容,许多事情只是被搁置,而不是最终解决 。
As people get older, they are always more tolerant, and many things are just put on hold, not finally solved
如果你没有体力,你可以锻炼身体;如果你没有钱,你可以努力挣钱 。不要为你的困境责怪别人 。你唯一可以抱怨的人是你自己,因为你没有努力 。
If you don't have physical strength, you can exercise; If you don't have money, you can work hard to make money Don't blame others for your predicament The only person you can complain about is yourself, because you didn't try hard
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