1.雪中的景色壮丽无比,天地之间浑然一色,只能看见一片银色,好象整个世界都是用银子来装饰而成的 。
The scenery in the snow is magnificent. The sky and the earth are the same color. You can only see a piece of silver. It seems that the whole world is decorated with silver.
2.雪后,那绵绵的白雪装饰着世界,琼枝玉叶,粉装玉砌,皓然一色,真是一派瑞雪丰年的喜人景象 。
After the snow, the continuous white snow decorates the world. It's a beautiful scene of auspicious snow in a good harvest.
3.霜轻未杀萋萋草,日暖初干漠漠沙 。
【拼多多怎么上权重?拼多多怎样提升权重】Frost light not kill luxuriant grass, warm early dry desert sand
Snow with sadness scattered on the ground, snow, the heart of the fetters?
5.那雪花洁白如絮,在地上,像一床洁白的棉被,给大地妈妈来取暖 。
The snowflakes are as white as wadding, on the ground, like a white quilt, to warm mother earth.
6.寒冷的严冬,河水一改往日的活波,似乎恬静地睡着了 。
In the cold winter, the river seems to be sleeping peacefully as soon as it changes its former wave.
7.冬姑娘站在洁白的雪地上欢快起舞,告诉人们冬天的欢乐 。
Winter girl stands on the white snow and dances happily, telling people the joy of winter.
8.我是檐上三寸雪,你是人间惊鸿客 。
I'm three inches of snow on the eaves, and you're the amazing guest in the world
9.想变成冬天的雪,随风飘散 。
Want to become the winter snow, with the wind
10.冬天的雪飘落在头发上,好看的像洁白的小花,很纯,很美 。
Winter snow falling on the hair, looks like white flowers, very pure, very beautiful.
11.雪花飘落的瞬间,让我失神良久 。
Snowflakes falling moment, let me be absent-minded for a long time
12.冬天最美好的莫过于雪花飘落,有你相伴 。
The most beautiful thing in winter is snowflakes falling, accompanied by you
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