我爱你不是因为你是什么,而是因为和你在一起时我是什么 。
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you
春夏秋冬,四季的旋律各不相同,而夏天就是这样一串串的音符,这样一个个的天堂,让你在喧嚣中得到对自己的平和反思,得到对现实的智慧和空灵 昨晚我梦见自己是一只小兔子,每天被女主人用爱呵护着 。
There are different melodies in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and summer is such a string of notes, such a paradise one by one, so that you can get a peaceful reflection on yourself in the hustle and bustle, and gain wisdom and ethereal reality Last night, I dreamed that I was a little rabbit, which was cared for by my hostess with love every day
不要把最有爱心的人视为理所当然,要像珍惜自己的生命一样珍惜他们 。
Don't take the most caring people for granted, but cherish them as you cherish your own life
【曹操当年挖了谁的墓?曹操多少个墓】无论你让多少异性失望,你都没有理由对爱情感到失望 。
No matter how many opposites you disappoint, you have no reason to be disappointed in love
你是我的北,我的南,我的东,我的西,胜过一切的山和水 。
You are my north, my south, my east and my west, better than all mountains and waters
当你真的爱一个人时,你会经常想到他们,而且很容易做傻事 。
When you really love someone, you will often think of them, and it is easy to do stupid things
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