描写雪的外国名诗?雪的英文诗句_1( 二 )
对雪献从兄虞城宰 【唐】李白 昨夜梁园里,弟寒兄不知 。庭前看玉树,肠断忆连枝 。
淮海对雪赠傅霭 【唐】李白 朔雪落吴天,从风渡溟渤 。海树成阳春,江沙浩明月 。
兴从剡溪起,思绕梁园发 。寄君郢中歌,曲罢心断绝 。
秋浦清溪雪夜对酒,客有唱山鹧鸪者 【唐】李白 披君作我貂,对君白玉壶 。雪花酒上灭,顿觉夜寒无 。
客有桂阳至,能吟山鹧鸪 。清风动窗竹,越鸟起相呼 。
持此足为乐,何烦笙与竽 。雪谗诗赠友人 【唐】李白 嗟予沉迷,猖獗已久 。
五十知非,古人尝有 。立言补过,庶存不朽 。
包荒匿瑕,蓄此顽丑 。月出致讥,贻愧皓首 。
感悟遂晚,事往日迁 。白璧何辜,青蝇屡前 。
群轻折轴,下沉黄泉 。众毛飞骨,上凌青天 。
萋斐暗成,贝锦粲然 。泥沙聚埃,珠玉不鲜 。
洪焰烁山,发自纤烟 。苍波荡日,起于微涓 。
交乱四国,播于八埏 。拾尘掇蜂,疑圣猜贤 。
哀哉悲夫,谁察予之贞坚 。彼妇 。
) 冬天的早晨 Winter Morning 【俄】普希金 Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin 严寒和太阳,真是多么美好的日子!It's frost and sun; the day is fine!你还有微睡吗,我的美丽的朋友——是时候啦,You still are drowsing, my friend - 美人儿,醒来吧:But, dear Beauty, it is time 睁开你为甜蜜的梦紧闭着的眼睛吧,To wake up, and your eyes unveil 去迎接北方的曙光女神,From force of luxury to star 让你也变成北方的星辰吧!Of North Aurora - be a north star!昨夜,你还记得吗,风雪在怒吼,The former evening - you remember,烟雾扫过了混沌的天空;The blizzard was in anger. A haze was covering the foggy heaven; 月亮像个苍白的斑点,A moon was gleaming yellow 透过乌云射出朦胧的黄光,而你悲伤地坐在那儿 Through darkness of the cloud's veil, and you were sitting sad 。
现在呢……瞧着窗外吧:Today, Let's look in window - 在蔚蓝的天空底下,snow lays under the marvelous blue skies,白雪在铺盖着,像条华丽的地毯,As carpet wonderful, in rays 在太阳下闪着光芒;Of sun as brilliants is sparkling; 晶莹的森林黑光隐耀 The only black is forest clear; 枞树透过冰霜射出绿色,The fir-tree through the hoarfrost greening,小河在水下面闪着亮光 。And river under ice is glittering.整个房间被琥珀的光辉照得发亮 。
All room is full of amber shining.生了火的壁炉 The heated furnace is affable 发出愉快的裂响 。And gayly cracking. Good to think,躺在暖炕上想着,该是多么快活 。
Lying on stove bench. And if 但是你说吧:要不要吩咐 We try to harness a brown mare.把那匹栗色的牝马套上雪橇?What do you wish?滑过清晨的白雪,亲爱的朋友,While slippering along the snow in early morning,我们任急性的快马奔驰,We will be enjoying the run of our impatient horse,去访问那空旷的田野,And visit empty fields and forests,那不久以前还是繁茂的森林,Which formerly was rich and thick so,和那对于我是最亲切的河滨 。And to my heart so lovely shore.中译 by 戈宝权译 英译 by Lyudmila Purgina Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind 不惧冬风凛冽 【英】莎士比亚 William Shakespeare 不惧冬风凛冽,Blow, blow, thou winter wind,风威远难遽及 Thou art not so unkind 人世之寡情;As man's ingratitude; 其为气也虽厉,Thy tooth is not so keen 其牙尚非甚锐,Because thou art not seen,风体本无形 。
Although thy breath be rude.噫嘻乎!且向冬青歌一曲:Heigh ho! sing heigh ho! unto the green holly:友交皆虚妄,恩爱痴人逐 。Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly; 噫嘻乎冬青!Then, heigh ho! the holly!可乐惟此生 。
This life is most jolly.不愁冱天冰雪,Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,其寒尚难遽及 That dost not bite so nigh 受施而忘恩;As benefits forgot:风皱满池碧水,Though thou the waters warp,利刺尚难比 Thy sting is not so sharp 捐旧之友人 。As friendship remember'd not.噫嘻乎!且向冬青歌一曲:Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly:友交皆虚妄,恩爱痴人逐 。
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly; 噫嘻乎冬青!Then, heigh-ho! the holly!可乐惟此生 。This life is most jolly.中译 by 朱生豪 【注释】 thou: [古英语] you art: [古英语] are thy: [古英语] your dost not: [古英语] does not thou the waters warp: 你吹皱水面,正常词序是thou warp the waters 。
普希金 (俄 1799——1837)
妩媚的朋友,你却在安眠 。
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