描写冬天雪的英文句子?描写下雪的优美英语句子( 三 )

(39)、冬天的雪像柳絮,如鹅毛,似棉花,从空中慢慢地飘落到地上 。
(39) the snow in winter is like catkins, goose feathers and cotton, falling slowly from the air to the ground.
(40)、雪花像珍珠一样明亮,像一群活泼可爱的精灵,在空中跳跃,像星星般的夜空 。
(40) snowflakes are as bright as pearls, like a group of lively and lovely elves, jumping in the air and like the night sky like stars.
(41)、雪,是由一朵朵小冰花组成的,每一朵都有六片花瓣,有些花瓣像雪滴花一样放出美丽的小侧舌,有些是锯齿形的,有些呈格状,却都在范围之内 。
(41) snow is composed of small ice flowers. Each flower has six petals. Some petals release beautiful side tongues like snow drops, some are serrated, some are lattice, but they are all within the range.
(42)、雪终于停了,茫茫的田野一片雪白,房舍、群山披上了银装 。
(42) the snow finally stopped, the vast fields were white, and the houses and mountains were covered with silver.
(43)、冬天的那场雪,就像噩梦般给人们的心灵带来的无法磨灭的伤痕 。
(43) the snow in winter is like an indelible scar on people's hearts like a nightmare.
(44)、满山遍野的雪,就像那仙女头上的白头巾,盖在了大地上 。
(44) the snow all over the mountains covered the earth like the white scarf on the fairy's head.
(45)、雪花像金莹的小精灵一样,飘飘扬扬的从天空落下来 。
(45) snowflakes fall from the sky like Jinying elves.


(46)、洁白的雪花像一朵朵棉花 。
(46) white snowflakes are like cotton.
(47)、大雪纷飞的冬天人们好象来到了一个幽雅恬静的境界,来到了一个晶莹透剔的童话般的世界 。
(47) in the snowy winter, people seem to have come to a quiet and elegant realm and to a glittering and translucent fairy tale world.
(48)、雪花像那簇簇的梨花,一阵风过,簌簌的落到人间 。
(48) snowflakes are like clusters of pear flowers. After a gust of wind, they fall to the world.
(49)、雪,飘起来了,看!一片片洁白的雪花,随风飘舞,摇曳多姿,像鹅毛,像柳絮 。雪,真美啊!晶莹光亮,婀娜多姿,像一颗颗小星星降落人间,又像一朵朵六瓣梅花打着旋儿纷纷落下 。
(49) snow, floating up, look! White snowflakes flutter in the wind, swaying like goose feathers and catkins. Snow, how beautiful! Glittering and translucent, graceful, like little stars falling on the earth, and like six petaled plum blossoms spinning one after another.
(50)、雪花,像一个个可爱的小精灵,在云端漫步着、飞舞着;又像一朵朵蒲公英,在空中旋转着,升腾着 。
(50) snowflakes, like lovely elves, walk and fly in the clouds; And like dandelions, spinning and rising in the air.
