描写冬天雪的英文句子?描写下雪的优美英语句子( 二 )

(22)、深夜,守候雪的降临,雪,来了,我心喜慰;不来,我心无憾 。
(22) late at night, I waited for the snow to come. When the snow came, my heart was gratified; No, I have no regrets.
(23)、像水晶一样的雪飘落在冬季,像飘落的白茶花一样铺在大地 。
(23) snow like crystal falls in winter and spreads on the earth like falling white camellia.
(24)、初冬,像一位美丽的高贵的矜持的公主,舞动着她那神奇的面纱,送来阵阵凛冽的寒风 。
(24) in early winter, like a beautiful, noble and reserved princess, she danced her magic veil and sent bursts of cold wind.
(25)、多轻多软的雪花啊,在空中飘舞着,追逐着,像—朵朵精巧的白菊 。
(25) what light and soft snowflakes are fluttering and chasing in the air, like delicate white chrysanthemums.
(26)、冬天的雪落在树上,像千万朵盛开的梨花 。
(26) the snow in winter falls on the trees like thousands of pear flowers in full bloom.
(27)、早饭后,雪又下了起来,一朵朵,一簇簇,像银花,似蝴蝶,漫天飞舞 。雪花儿忽而向左飘游,忽而向左猛扑,一会儿猛射直下,一会儿冉冉飘落 。它们扑向大地,钻入空隙 。人站立雪中,就像蹲在轧花机下,只见无数的棉花袭来,给你罩上一身洁白的素装 。
(27) after breakfast, the snow began to fall again, one after another, like silver flowers and butterflies, flying all over the sky. The snow drifts to the left, pounces to the left, shoots straight down and falls slowly. They jump on the ground and drill into the gap. Standing in the snow is like squatting under a gin. Countless cotton hit and covered you with white plain clothes.


(28)、雪花,她洁白晶莹,玲珑剔透,轻盈好看,宛如朵朵白莲,从茫茫空中徐徐降落,让我们新的一年充满了新的希望 。
(28) snowflakes, which are white, crystal clear, light and beautiful, like white lotus blossoms, fall slowly from the vast sky, filling our new year with new hope.
(29) snow, like catkins, like reed flowers, like dandelions
(30)、片片雪花随风飞舞,好像白色的精灵穿梭于世界各个角落,令大地华光四溢,精彩纷呈 。
(30) snowflakes are flying with the wind, like white elves shuttling around all corners of the world, making the earth colorful and colorful.
(31)、风有些紧了,雪花也在飞速地流转,视线愈发昏暗,但内心却愈渐清晰 。该归途休憩了,期待明天的前行 。
(31) the wind is a little tight, and the snowflakes are flowing rapidly. The vision is dimmer, but the heart is clearer. It's time to rest on the way home and look forward to tomorrow.
(32)、雪花像那翩翩起舞的白蝶,在冬日中挥动纤弱的翅膀 。
(32) snowflakes are like white butterflies dancing, waving their delicate wings in winter.
(33)、走在雪夜的街头,发现吾道不孤 。总是有人喜欢在飘雪的街头散步,或独行、或结伴,总是自然轻松的走着;散步或是赏析,凝望或是感思,这一刻都在细细的品悟 。
(33) walking in the streets on a snowy night, I found that my way was not lonely. There are always people who like to take a walk in the snowy street, or walk alone or in company, and always walk naturally and easily; Walking or appreciating, gazing or feeling, this moment is in the careful understanding.
(34)、洁白的雪花像一位服装设计师,给大地穿上了圣洁美丽的白纱裙 。
(34) the white snowflakes, like a fashion designer, put holy and beautiful white gauze skirts on the earth.
(35)、美妙的小雪花,像只只有空灵和空灵的玉蝴蝶,扇动细细的翅膀,首次降落在世界上 。
(35) the beautiful little snowflake, like a jade butterfly with only ethereal and ethereal, fluttered its thin wings and landed in the world for the first time.
(36)、沙沙,沙沙,若有若无的自然界的冥音,正似潜涌的夜潮滚滚而来 。这是冬天的脚步,也是春天的消息 。
(36) rustle, rustle, the invisible sound of nature, just like the surging night tide. This is the footsteps of winter and the news of spring.
(37)、美妙的小雪花呀,像只只空灵飘逸的玉蝴蝶,扇动着薄翼,初降人间 。
(37) beautiful little snowflakes, like an ethereal Jade Butterfly, fluttering its thin wings and falling on the earth for the first time.
(38)、雪,夺走了我的视野,也夺走了我前行的路,用惨白给我制造了恐怖,星星和月亮被他们劫持,窒息在云层深处,连路灯都失去了血色,被麻醉得睡眼朦胧 。
(38) snow has taken away my vision and my way forward. It has created terror for me with pale. They hijacked the stars and the moon and suffocated them in the depths of the clouds. Even the street lamps have lost their blood color and are numbed to sleep.
