悲伤的语录 看了让人心痛?经典语录伤感人生感悟 句句穿透人心_1

很伤感的心情语录 , 看完让人醍醐灌顶! , 受用一生!

悲伤的语录 看了让人心痛?经典语录伤感人生感悟 句句穿透人心_1

保持记录意味着以后可以追踪到它们 。
Keeping records means that they can be traced later
他们说他们爱你 , 但他们并不只是说他们爱你;他们说他们爱你 , 但他们并不直接说他们爱你 。
They say they love you, but they don't just say they love you; They say they love you, but they don't directly say they love you
悲伤的语录 看了让人心痛?经典语录伤感人生感悟 句句穿透人心_1

恋爱中最糟糕的事情是 , 当你认真起来的时候 , 对方就会变得很暧昧 。有趣的是 , 他一直用嘴勾引她 , 但你却一直在和她调情 。
The worst thing in love is that when you get serious, the other person becomes very ambiguous Interestingly, he has been seducing her with his mouth, but you have been flirting with her
我现在能够控制自己 , 足以在一瞬间道歉 , 也不会在一瞬间发火 。
Now I can control myself enough to apologize in an instant, and I won't get angry in an instant
悲伤的语录 看了让人心痛?经典语录伤感人生感悟 句句穿透人心_1

我们的友谊之船不会倾覆 , 因为我们在一艘宇宙飞船上 。
Our friendship ship will not capsize, because we are in a spaceship
不要为了别人而改变自己 。如果你不能接受最坏的自己 , 你就不配接受最好的自己!
Don't change yourself for others If you can't accept your worst self, you don't deserve to accept your best self!
悲伤的语录 看了让人心痛?经典语录伤感人生感悟 句句穿透人心_1

我非常灰心 , 感觉很糟糕 。
I am very discouraged and feel terrible
一开始 , 如果我不阻止他们 , 他们可能总是会有无休止的谈话 , 直到天亮 。
At first, if I don't stop them, they may always have endless conversations until dawn
悲伤的语录 看了让人心痛?经典语录伤感人生感悟 句句穿透人心_1

愿你尽情地实现你的梦想 。
【悲伤的语录 看了让人心痛?经典语录伤感人生感悟 句句穿透人心_1】May you realize your dream to the fullest
