半辈子过去了,剩下的日子也不长了 。如果你不想后悔,就不要再错过了 。
Half a lifetime has passed, and the remaining days are not long. If you don't want to regret it, don't miss it again.
没有女人不喜欢礼物,也没有女人不喜欢花 。只有被礼物和鲜花包围,女人才会觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人 。
No woman doesn't like gifts, and no woman doesn't like flowers. Only when surrounded by gifts and flowers can women feel that they are the happiest people in the world.
一个有着阳光般女人味的女人,不仅能让自己轻松愉快,还能给男人带来洗涤和安慰 。男人好不容易遇到这样的女人,怎么才能轻易放手?
A woman with sunshine femininity can not only make herself relaxed and happy, but also bring washing and comfort to men. How can a man let go easily when he finally meets such a woman?
既然女人不想理你,你就不要再自找麻烦,放过自己,给自己留点尊严 。
Since women don't want to talk to you, you should stop asking for trouble, let yourself go, and give yourself some dignity.
恋爱中的人,凡事总追求独一无二 。他们总觉得只有和别人不一样,才能凸显这种感觉的美好 。就算是小名字也会绞尽脑汁去想 。
People in love always pursue uniqueness in everything. They always feel that only being different from others can highlight the beauty of this feeling. Even a small name will rack one's brains to think.
可以被金钱伤害的感情,都不是真正的感情,你根本不需要在意;能被钱吓跑的朋友都不是真正的朋友,你完全不用担心 。
Feelings that can be hurt by money are not real feelings, and you don't need to care at all. Friends who can be scared away by money are not real friends, so you don't have to worry at all.
在困难面前,女人是软弱的 。即使她能力再强,也不可能事事如意,事事顺利 。这时,她渴望有人帮助她 。
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