
The whereabouts of every cloud is unknown, the whereabouts of every moon is unknown
我不是为当国王而生的,但我骨子里流着叛逆的血 。
I wasn't born to be a king, but I have rebellious blood in my bones


不要光顾自己,不要为了别人而改变自己 。你是你唯一的自己,你宝贵的自己,你骄傲的自己,你美丽的自己 。记住要好好爱自己 。
Don't patronize yourself, don't change yourself for others You are your only self, your precious self, your proud self and your beautiful self Remember to love yourself
只有风知道日落大道上的浪漫逸事 。
Only the wind knows the romantic anecdotes on Sunset Avenue

他说,所谓相识不过是一段岁月,他待你如生死相守的哑巴剑,你待他如千年相伴的白骨黄沙,多年后他连一句再见都没有留下 。
He said, the so-called acquaintance is just a period of time He treats you like a dumb sword for life and death, and you treat him like the bones and yellow sand accompanied by a thousand years After many years, he didn't even leave a goodbye
我对你的爱就像一台拖拉机在上坡时轰轰烈烈地行驶 。
My love for you is like a tractor driving vigorously when going uphill

感恩首先是一种健康的心理状态,而心理决定一切 。我承认我是一个非常感性和多愁善感的人,所以我深深明白,一个有感恩之心的人是一个快乐的人,他会逐渐变得更加理解和宽厚,不会为琐事而烦恼 。
【字里行间透露着你的真诚?字里行间流露出满满的关心】First of all, gratitude is a healthy psychological state, and psychology determines everything I admit that I am a very emotional and sentimental person, so I deeply understand that a grateful person is a happy person, and he will gradually become more understanding and generous, and will not worry about trivial matters
