如果没有神的眷顾,张万森只是林北星漫长生命中成千上万的访客之一,而张万森的爱情也只能封存在过去 。
Without God's blessing, Zhang Wansen is just one of thousands of visitors who have been hit by the immortal star in Linbei, and Zhang Wansen's love can only be sealed in the past
它是晚风,它是夕阳,它是心跳,它是不可替代的,它是你 。
It is the evening breeze, it is the sunset, it is the heartbeat, it is irreplaceable, it is you
我对你很好是因为我希望你能这样对待我,而不是让你觉得你有多伟大 。
I'm nice to you because I want you to treat me like this, not to make you feel how great you are
害怕失去,害怕跌倒,害怕失望,没有学会爱别人 。
Fear of loss, fear of falling, fear of disappointment, and failure to learn to love others
我在机场等船,等得越久,我就越失望 。
I waited for the boat at the airport The longer I waited, the more disappointed I became
一首离别之歌,细雨绵绵,一如既往的红,但其弦外之音略显冰冷 。谁是第一个穿白衬衫的人,但他的心是冷的 。
A parting song, drizzling, is as red as ever, but its implication is slightly cold Who is the first person to wear a white shirt, but his heart is cold
你是一个有尊严的人,把我纳入你的职责范围 。
You are a dignified person, and you should include me in your duties
【你最喜欢的一个句子?你们最喜欢的一句话】Only civil servants can set fires, not You must not leave me!
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