如果没有上述规则,Spam() - Bacon() 将得到 LessSpam,因为 Spam 不知道减掉 Bacon 应该得出 VeggieSpam 。
但是,有了上述规则,就会得到预期的结果 VeggieSpam,因为 Bacon.__rsub__() 首先会在表达式中被调用(如果计算的是 Bacon() - Spam(),那么也会得到正确的结果,因为首先会调用 Bacon.__sub__(),因此,规则里才会说两个类的不同的方法需有区别,而不仅仅是一个由 issubclass() 判断出的子类 。)
# Python中减法的完整实现_MISSING = object()def sub(lhs: Any, rhs: Any, /) -> Any: # lhs.__sub__ lhs_type = type(lhs) try: lhs_method = debuiltins._mro_getattr(lhs_type, "__sub__") except AttributeError: lhs_method = _MISSING # lhs.__rsub__ (for knowing if rhs.__rub__ should be called first) try: lhs_rmethod = debuiltins._mro_getattr(lhs_type, "__rsub__") except AttributeError: lhs_rmethod = _MISSING # rhs.__rsub__ rhs_type = type(rhs) try: rhs_method = debuiltins._mro_getattr(rhs_type, "__rsub__") except AttributeError: rhs_method = _MISSING call_lhs = lhs, lhs_method, rhs call_rhs = rhs, rhs_method, lhs if ( rhs_type is not _MISSING # Do we care? and rhs_type is not lhs_type # Could RHS be a subclass? and issubclass(rhs_type, lhs_type) # RHS is a subclass! and lhs_rmethod is not rhs_method # Is __r*__ actually different? ): calls = call_rhs, call_lhs elif lhs_type is not rhs_type: calls = call_lhs, call_rhs else: calls = (call_lhs,) for first_obj, meth, second_obj in calls: if meth is _MISSING: continue value = meth(first_obj, second_obj) if value is not NotImplemented: return value else: raise TypeError( f"unsupported operand type(s) for -: {lhs_type!r} and {rhs_type!r}" )
推广到其它二元运算解决掉了减法运算,那么其它二元运算又如何呢?好吧,事实证明它们的操作相同,只是碰巧使用了不同的特殊/魔术方法名称 。
所以,如果我们可以推广这种方法,那么我们就可以实现 13 种操作的语义:+ 、-、*、@、/、//、%、**、<<、>>、&、^、和 | 。
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