Notice that the express version is specified as "3.0.x". The x acts like a wildcard. It will install the latest 3.0 version, regardless of the patch number. It's another way of saying, "give me bug fixes, but no API changes". Node modules use Semantic Versioning. Read it as Major.Minor.Patch. Working backwards, bug fixes increment the patch version, non-breaking API changes increment the minor version, and backward breaking changes increment the major version. A zero for the major version indicates initial development. The public API should not be considered stable, and there is no indication in the version string for backward-breaking changes.
请注意 Express 的版本被指定为 3.0.x。这里的 x 的作用相当于通配符 。它将会安装最新的 3.0 版本,无需指定补丁版本号 。换句话说就是,“给我最新的 bug 修复版,但 API 不要变” 。Node 模块使用 语义化版本管理方式 。它的格式是 主版本号.次版本号.补丁版本号 。我们从后向前看,bug 修复性的更新将会增加补丁版本号,非破坏性的 API 更新将会增加次版本号,而无法向后兼容的大更新将会增加主版本号 。主版本号为零表示这是首个开发版本,模块的公开 API 还不够稳定,并且版本字符串也不会告诉你是否存在向后兼容的问题 。
Now that your package and dependencies are declared, return to the console and run:
【「译」 npm 包管理器】$ npm installexpress@3.0.0rc5 node_modules/express├── methods@0.0.1├── fresh@0.1.0├── range-parser@0.0.4├── cookie@0.0.4├── crc@0.2.0├── commander@0.6.1├── debug@0.7.0├── mkdirp@0.3.3├── send@0.1.0 (mime@1.2.6)└── connect@2.5.0 (pause@0.0.1, bytes@0.1.0, send@0.0.4, formidable@1.0.11, qs@0.5.1)When you run npm install, it will look at package.json and install all of the dependencies for you, including those that were declared by the express package.
当你运行 npm install 时,系统就会寻找 package.json 文件,然后为你安装所有的依赖库,其中也包括 Express 自己声明的依赖库 。
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