


get into a fight with是什么意思
卷入与某的争斗, 跟某打架......with 后接 fight 的对象几个例句:That bouncer is so buff. Don"t getinto a fight with him.那个保镖好壮,可别跟他打架 。How did you get into a fight with him?你是怎么会和他打架的?I will not get into a fight with the bigger dog next door.我不会与隔壁的大狗打架cop是什么意思?
“cop”的意思是警察 。“cop”的中英文对照例句:1. What"s the matter? Here"s a cop now.?怎么了?我是警察 。2. Between my prison guard and your cop, aren"t we overdoing it??在我的监狱看守和你的警察间选择,我们是不是做过火了?3. You"re a hard-working cop now??你现在是个努力工作的警察了?4. And so is the cop she was with.?和她在一起的警察也死了 。5. So we"re it. a cop and a bouncer.?只有我们了,警察与保镖 。6. I was a cop and you were an info.?我是个警察,你是个线人 。7. You always say I"m not a cop.?你总说我算不上是一个警察 。8. If he finds out you"re talking to a cop.?如果他知道你和一个警察讲了这么多 。9. I hope there"s a cop under that.?我希望底下有个警察 。10. He"s a good cop.?他是个好警察 。蹦蹦床的英文怎么写?
蹦床:1. recreation bouncer2. trampoline其它相关解释:例句与用法:1. 有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻.A gymnast on the trampoline was turning (ie performing) somersaults.英语中动词变名词加-able有哪些
英语中很少有动词加-able变成名词的,一般都是变成形容词的但是也有少部分是可以的■consumable:something that you buy and use, after which you buy a new one(消费品). e.g.low-margin consumables like health and beauty aidsSuppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.语法:可数,常用复数 。e68a84e79fa5e9819331333335313165■deliverable: a product that a company promises to have ready for a customer(交付物). software deliverables语法:可数,常用复数 。■disposable:a disposable product, especially a disposable nappy(一次性物品,尤指一次性尿布). e.g.paper disposablesplastic disposablesmedical disposablesDo you use disposables or washable nappies?It"s estimated that around 80 per cent of babies wear disposables.语法:可数,常用复数 。■durable:Durables are goods such as televisions or cars which are expected to last a long time, and are bought infrequently(耐用品)语法:可数,常用复数 。■inflatable:an object that you fill with air before you use it, for example a ball or boat(充气玩具).语法:可数 。■notable:an important or famous person(名人,显要人物). e.g.All the usual local notables were there.Other notables among his pupils were the kings of Saudi Arabia and Thailand.语法:可数 。■portable: something that is portable, for example a*** all computer or other*** all piece of electrical equipment(便携式物品 。尤指便携式电脑或电子设备). e.g.The document had been typed on a*** all portable.We bought a colour portable for the bedroom.The kids are upstairs watching the portable (= television).语法:可数 。■receivable:assets of a business represented by accounts that still have to be paid(应收帐款)语法:总是用复数形式 。■rechargeable:a rechargeable battery(蓄电池). eg.It is more expensive to run a personal stereo on disposable batteries than on rechargeables.语法:可数 。■undesirable:someone who is thought to be dangerous or involved in crime (不良分子;不受欢迎的人). eg.The club hires a bouncer to keep out undesirables.The Home Office is usually quick to deport undesirables.语法:可数,常用复数 。(转)eminem kill you中文歌词
When I was just a little baby boy,当我还是个小男孩,my momma used to tell me these razy things.我妈常常告诉我这些疯狂的事情She used to tell me my daddy was an evil man,她常告诉我我爸是个坏蛋she used to tell me he hated me.她常告诉我他曾恨我But then I got a little bit older and I realized,但是当我长大了一点的时候我发现了,she was the crazy one.她才是疯的那个But there was nothin?I could do or say to try to change her,但是这没什么,我可以说或做些什么改变她cuz that"s just the way she was.因为这就是她以前的方式They said I can"t rap about bein?broke no more.他们说我无法再对别人说唱了,They didn"t say I can"t rap about coke no more.他们没说我不能再对可乐说唱 。(AHHH!) Slut, you think I won"t choke no whoredang妇,你以为我不会再哽住了,Till the vocal cords don"t work in her throat no more?!直到她喉咙里的声带不再工作了吗?(AHHH!) These mother****ers are thinkin I"m playin那些他娘的人们在想象我只是玩玩Thinkin?I"m sayin this shit cuz I"m thinkin it just to besayin it想象我说的这些话是因为我只是想要说说而已(AHHH!) Put your hands down BITCH, I ain"t gon" shoot you.放下你的手*子,我不会开枪打你I"ma pull +YOU+ to this bullet, and put it through you我是要把你塞进子弹里,并让它穿过你(AHHH!) Shut up slut, you"re causin too much chaos闭嘴dang妇,你正在制造太多的混乱Just bend over and take it slut, okay Ma?你就屈从接受了它吧dang妇,好吗妈妈?Oh, now he"s rapin his own mother, abusing her,“噢,现在他在骂他自己老妈,骂她,Worse snorting coke, and we gave him the Rolling Stone cover?"比snorting coke更坏,我们给他滚石乐队的封面吧”You goddamn right BITCH, and now it"s too late,你这个受诅咒的*子,现在太晚了,I"m triple platinum and tragedies happened in two states.我是三倍的合金而且悲剧已经在两个地方发生了 。I invented violence, you vile venomous volatile *****es我发明了暴力,你这个卑鄙的恶毒破烂*子vain Vicodin, vrinnn Vrinnn, VRINNN! {*chainsaw revs up*}那是徒劳的挣扎,『电锯声』Texas Chainsaw, left his brains all得克萨斯式肢解,让她脑浆迸裂Danglin from his neck, while his head barely hangs on.拧她的脖子,拧到她的头要掉下来Blood, guts, guns, cuts.血,残食,枪支,切割Knives, lives, wives, nuns, sluts.刀子,生命,女人,尼姑,dang妇 。Chorus: EminemBitch I"ma kill you!You don"t wanna **** with me.*子我要杀了你!你不能当我的道 。Girls leave - you ain"t nuttin but a slut to me姑娘们都同意——你对我来说除了dang妇什么也算不上 。Bitch I"ma kill you! You ain"t got the balls to beef.*子我要杀了你!你得到的不是漫骂的子弹We ain"t gon" never stop beefin I don"t squash the beef.我们从来没有停止过漫骂我也不会停止它You better kill me! I"ma be another rapper dead你更好杀了我!我会成为另一个死的说唱歌手for poppin?off at the mouth with shit I shouldn"ta said.突然因为我的嘴巴讲了不该讲的话But when they kill me - I"m bringin the world with me.但是当他们杀我的时候,我会带着整个世界跟我一起Bitches too! You ain"t nuttin?but a girl to me.*子们也是!你对我来说除了一个小姑娘什么也算不上..I said you don"t, wanna **** with Shady, (庆ause why?)我说你你不想,当SHADY的道(为什么?)Cause Shady, will ****in kill you. (ah-haha)因为Shady,会他娘的杀了你(哈哈)I said you don"t, wanna **** with Shady, (why?)我说你你不想,当SHADY的道(为什么?)Cuz Shady, will ****in?kill you因为Shady,会他娘的杀了你(哈哈)Bitch I"ma kill you! Like a murder weapon, I"ma conceal you*子我要杀了你!像一支谋杀的武器,我会把你藏起in a closet with mildew, sheets, pillows and film you放在张满霉菌放着被褥枕头还有像电影里一样的你的壁橱里,Fuck with me, I been through hell, shut the hell up!当我的道,去死吧,闭上你该死的嘴!I"m tryin to develop these pictures of the Devil to sell "em我试着改进这些罪恶的画面并卖掉它们I ain"t acid rap, but I rap on acid我不是ACID RAP,但是我讽刺地说唱Got a new blow-up probe and just had a strap-on added.拿个单向探测器并用附加的带子绑上WHOOPS! Is that a subliminal hint? NO!哎吆!那是个潜意识的暗示吗?不!Just criminal intent to sodomize women again只是犯罪的决心,再去cao女人Eminem offend? NO! Eminem on assault.EMINEM犯罪了?不!EMINEM要攻击 。And if you ever give in to him, you give him an impulse而且若你一旦向他屈服,你就给了他动力to do it again, THEN, if he does it again再做一边,这样,如果他再做一边you"ll probably end up jumpin out of somethin up in the 10th你也许会竖着从哪个楼的10层跳下来(Ahhhhhhhh!) Bitch I"ma kill you, I ain"t done, this ain"t the chorus.*子我要杀了你,我还没有,这还没有到达gao潮I ain"t even drug you in the woods yet to paint the forest我甚至不会在森林里毒死你来描绘这个森林A bloodstain is orange after you wash it three or four times血迹你洗过三四次后就会变成橘黄色in the tub but that"s normal ain"t it Norman?在浴盆里但很正常不是吗诺曼第人?Serial killer hidin murder material连续杀人狂藏起尸体in a cereal box on top of your stereo装进你立体声音响顶上的谷物箱子里Here we go again, we"re out of our medicine,来我们继续,我们没有药品out of our minds, and we want in yours, let us in.失去我们的理智,而且我们像进入你的,我们进去吧Chorus (first line starts "Or I"ma kill you!")(之一行开始为“或者我要杀了你!”)Eh-heh, know why I say these things?呵呵,直到我为什么要说这些吗?Cause ladies screams keep creepin in Shady"s dreams.因为女士们,在Shady的梦里尖叫声仍在蔓延And the way things seem, I shouldn"t have to pay these shrinks而这 *** 看起来像是,我不应该再继续收缩了these eighty G"s a week to say the same things TWEECE!为了说同样的东西两次,每周有八十个G 。TWICE? Whatever, I hate these things两次?反正,我恨这些东西Fuck shots! I hope the weed"ll outweigh these drinks他娘的开枪!我希望杂草比那些酒更重Mother****ers want me to come on their radio shows他们他娘的想让我担负他们的广播表演just to argue with "em cuz their ratings stink?只是跟他们谈谈因为他们的责备很臭吗?FUCK THAT! I"ll choke radio announcer to bouncer,去他娘的!我要让巨人憋死广播员,from fat ***** to all seventy-thousand pounds of her.从胖*子到她的所有七万磅From principal, to the student body, and counselor,从校长到学生,还有顾问from in-school, to before school, to out of school.从在校,到没进校,到离校I don"t even believe in breathin I"m leavin air in your lungs我甚至不相信呼吸我把空气留在你的肺里just to hear you keep screamin for me to seep it.为了听到你继续为我尖叫着漏气OKAY, I"M READY TO GO PLAY好,我准备好开始玩了I GOT THE MACHETE FROM O.J.我从OJ那里拿了弯刀I"M READY TO MAKE EVERYONE"S THROATS ACHE!我准备好要让所有人的喉咙疼痛!You faggots keep egging me on Till I have you at knifepoint,then you beg me to stop?你要一直骑在我头上直到直到我用刀子指着你,你才求饶吗?SHUT UP! Gimme your hands and feet!闭嘴!给我你的手脚!I said SHUT UP when I"m talkin to you!我说我对你说话的时候闭嘴!YOU HEAR ME? ANSWER ME!听见了吗?回答我!Chorus (first line starts "Or I"ma kill you!"(之一行开始为“或者我要杀了你!”)ninth line starts "Bitch I"ma kill you!")(第九行开始为“biao子我要杀了你!”)Hahaha, I"m just playin?ladies. You know I love you.哈哈,我只是玩玩,女士们 。你知道我爱你 。ain't nobody (felix)歌词翻译
