中国—世界卫生组织新冠病毒溯源研究联合专家组2月9日在武汉举行新闻发布会 , 通报共同开展新冠病毒全球溯源中国部分的工作情况 。
2月9日拍摄的中国—世卫组织新冠病毒溯源研究联合专家组新闻发布会现场 。
A sudden outbreak of the novel coronavirus occured in Wuhan atthe end of 2019. China took prompt action, actively released epidemicinformation, and adopted the most comprehensive and strict preventionand control measures, achieving notable results.
2019年底 , 新冠肺炎疫情在武汉市暴发 , 中国迅速采取行动 , 主动通报疫情信息 , 采取最全面最严格的防控措施 , 疫情防控取得显著成效 。
According to an agreement between China and the WHO in July 2020,an international expert WHO team arrived in Wuhan on Jan 14. Theyformed a joint body with Chinese experts for the Chinese part of theglobal study on the novel coronavirus origins.
按照中国与世卫组织2020年7月商定的工作任务书 , 世卫组织派出国际专家组2021年1月14日抵达武汉 , 与中方专家组成联合专家组 , 共同开展全球溯源中国部分工作 。
The team studied a massive amount of epidemic-related data andvisited nine facilities, including Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, Huananseafood market, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, under the ChineseAcademy of Sciences. The team conducted extensive exchanges with localmedical workers, lab researchers, scientists, and market managers. Theyalso interviewed social workers, community workers, residents, recoveredpatients, and families of medical workers who lost their lives in theepidemic.
联合专家组共同研究了大量的疫情相关数据资料 , 现场考察了包括金银潭医院、华南海鲜市场、中科院武汉病毒研究所在内的9家单位 , 与医务人员、实验室人员、科研人员、市场管理人员及商户、社区工作者、康复患者、牺牲医务人员家属、居民等进行广泛交流 。
联合研究成果已基本形成 , 主要包括:
A coronavirus with high similarity to the novel coronavirus ingene sequences occurs in bats and pangolins. But the similarity is stillnot enough to make it a direct ancestor of the novel coronavirus. Bats,pangolins, weasels, cats, and other species all could be potentialnatural hosts.
在蝙蝠和穿山甲中发现了与新冠病毒基因序列具有高度相似性冠状病毒 , 但相似度尚不足以使其成为新冠病毒的直接祖先;蝙蝠、穿山甲或者鼬科、猫科动物 , 以及其他物种都可能是潜在的自然宿主 。
The virus was found in environmental tests at the Huanan seafoodmarket after its closure, especially in its aquatic product stalls. Thecoronavirus at the market might have been introduced through channelssuch as infected people, contaminated cold chain products, and animalproducts, but it is still uncertain.
华南海鲜市场关闭后的环境检测普遍发现新冠病毒污染 , 其中水产摊位尤为明显 , 华南海鲜市场新冠病毒可能通过感染者、被污染的冷链产品、动物产品等途径引入 , 但尚无法确定 。
No positive results occurred in large-scale testing of animalproducts in the market. No novel coronavirus was found either in samplesof bats in Hubei province or large numbers of livestock, poultry, andwild animals across China.
对该市场的动物产品大规模检测未发现阳性 , 对湖北省蝙蝠以及中国各地大量的家畜家禽、野生动物采样监测均未发现新冠病毒 。
In December 2019, the novel coronavirus spread among people on acertain scale in Wuhan, with most cases occurring in the second half ofthe month. A study on the early ones showed that as there were novelcoronavirus cases in the market, there were also such cases in otherareas of Wuhan at the same time.
2019年12月 , 武汉市人群中发生了新冠病毒一定规模传播 , 大部分病例集中在下半月 。 早期病例搜索及分析显示 , 华南海鲜市场出现病例的同时 , 武汉市其他地方也有病例发生 。
The experts identified four hypotheses for the source of thetransmission of the novel coronavirus to the human population, includingdirect zoonotic spillover, the cold-chain food, an intermediary hostspecies, and a laboratory-related incident.
联合专家组对新冠病毒从自然宿主直接传播和通过冷链食品、中间宿主、实验室等四种引入人类途径的可能性进行了科学评估 。
评估结论分为“极不可能(extremely unlikely)”“不可能(unlikely)”“可能(likely)”“比较可能(most likely)”“非常可能(very likely)”5个层级 。
Introduction through an intermediary host species is "the most likely" passway.
新冠病毒“比较可能”是经中间宿主引入人类 。
Direct transmission or introduction through cold-chain food is also likely.
“可能”是直接传播或者通过冷链食品引入人类 。
A laboratory incident is "extremely unlikely" as the cause of COVID-19.
“极不可能”是通过实验室引入人类 。
联合专家组还对下一步全球溯源工作提出了建议 。
origin-tracing of the novel coronavirus
intermediary host
natural host
gene sequence
a global community of health for all
【新冠病毒|中国—世卫组织新冠病毒溯源研究联合专家组发布会(双语要点)】global public health governance
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