摘 要:史学客观性包括认识与文本两个方面。“客观性”在本体层面上隐含“主客二分”的意味,但无论是在本体还是认知意义上,主客之间并不存在不可逾越的鸿沟。在宏观历史认识与叙述层面上,史学客观性是由学术共同体多数共识所确认的关于历史理解与叙述的合理性,这一合理性有其客观史实基础。史学虽不具有自然科学建立在主客当下直接对接基础上的坚实客观性,但关于史学客观性的怀疑主义和相对论质疑最终是不成立的。客观性是史学合理性的必要而非充分条件,在客观性之外,史学合理性尚有深刻性、创造性及丰富性等合理性要求,并且,“好的主观性”(利科)本身即是史学合理性的内在要求。因此,客观性对史学来说并非无条件可欲的。
一、 “史学客观性”概念辨析
ObjectivityofHistory: ItsPossibilityandDesirability
Abstract:The issue of objectivity in historiography consists of two aspects, i.e. the objectivity of knowledge and text. “Objectivity” assumes the separation of Subject and Object, but there is actually no insurmountable obstacle as “Subject-object Dichotomy” might imply. In grand historical knowledge and narrative dimensions, the objectivity of historiography is justified by the rational consensuses among the majority of academic community on the acceptance of certain historical understanding and narration, which is finally based on the ground of historical data. Though history cannot reach the robust objectivity as nature sciences do on the basis of direct correspondence between the scientist as the subject and nature phenomenon as its objects, the susceptive and relativist attacks on the objectivity of historiography are ultimately implausible. Furthermore, objectivity is the necessary but insufficient condition for the rationality of history as a discipline, beyond which, there are still other requirement for history to be an academic study such as in-depth, creativity and richness, etc. And “the god subjectivity” (Paul Ricoeur) is itself the inner requirement for the rationality of history; thus, objectivity is not desirable without condition for historiography.
Keywords:the objectivity of historiography, reliability, desirability
【 史学合理|史学客观性的可能性与可欲性】作者简介:周建漳,男,江苏沭阳人,厦门大学哲学系教授、博士生导师;程传利,男,河南焦作人,厦门大学哲学系博士研究生。
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