
一、朝着自己的方向走 , 至少你是快乐的 。
Go in your own direction, at least you are happy.

二、再无相见的日子请你千万保重 。
Please take care of yourself when you never see each other again.
三、所以你的长篇论文换来了什么 。
So what did you get for your long paper.

四、可以回头看 , 但别回头走 , 因为逆行是全责 。
Look back, but don't look back, because retrograde is the only responsibility.
五、太多难言之隐 , 隐藏多了 , 就成习惯 。
Too much to hide, hide more, become a habit.

六、 人可以说谎但细节不会 , 爱是累积 不爱也是 。
People can lie but the details will not, love is the accumulation of love is not the same.
七、没有惊喜也没有失落 , 除了偶尔自找难过 。
No surprises and no losses, except for the occasional sad.

八、在这个不知所措的年纪 , 连哭都是多余的 。
At this confused age, it is unnecessary to cry.
九、最后你会发现 , 和开心一样难的是早点睡 。
In the end, as hard as it is to be happy is to go to bed early.

十、渐行渐远的人 , 怎么可能像当初一样热衷 。
It is impossible for a man to be as enthusiastic as he was at the beginning.
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