
Seal collection has been around since ancient times, and in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the seal collection has become a boom. Some influential collectors have emerged in large numbers, including Ding Fuzhi, Zhang Luan, Hua Duan, Gaoluyuan, Ge Shuzheng, and qian Juntao in modern times.
In recent years, with the rise of seal auction, famous seal cutting and seal are gradually concerned by collectors, and the market is also rising. However, for many years, the famous seal cutting and seals in the auction market have been attached to miscellaneous events for various reasons such as collection identification and collection, making the seal collection difficult to become a systematic collection.
In the same way as calligraphy and painting, the value of the seal cutting works of the historically significant openschool figures and representative figures in the history of seal cutting is often higher than that of other seal cutting works. Like wu, fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo, qi baishi, as well as the new zhejiang Wang Fuan representative figures, and "yuan zhu wen first," said Chen julai works of the people, they have the effect of the future, the development of seal cutting in the seal cutting history has considerable historical position and significance, its value and market nature of these factors.
Masters in terms of collection of the use of seals and has considerable humanities value, auction in the calendar, has repeatedly using the special masters, such as Pan Boying, PuRu, YanZiXiang, secretary for home of seals, as well as Zhou Xiangyun bibliophile seals, etc., they value not only lies in the artistic value of works itself, but also carries a history, its cultural value not to be sneezed at.
