扩展图神经网络:暴力堆叠模型深度并不可取( 五 )

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[7] Here we assume for simplicity that the graph is sparse with the number of edges |?|=(n).
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[9] The number of neighbours in such graphs tends to grow exponentially with the neighbourhood expansion.
[10] Sampling with replacement means that some neighbour nodes can appear more than once, in particular if the number of neighbours is smaller than k.
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[18] While we stress that SIGN does not need sampling for computational efficiency, there are other reasons why graph subsampling is useful. J. Klicpera et al. Diffusion improves graph learning (2020). Proc. NeurIPS show that sampled diffusion matrices improve performance of graph neural networks. We observed the same phenomenon in early SIGN experiments.
[19] G. Bouritsas et al. Improving graph neural network expressivity via subgraph isomorphism counting (2020). arXiv:2006.09252. Shows how provably powerful GNNs can be obtained by structural node encoding.
[20] F. Monti, K. Otness, M. M. Bronstein, MotifNet: a motif-based graph convolutional network for directed graphs (2018). arXiv:1802.01572. Uses motif-based diffusion operators.
[21] C. Szegedi et al., Going deeper with convolution (2015). Proc. CVPR proposed the inception module in the already classical Google LeNet architecture. To be fair, we were not the first to think of graph inception modules. Our collaborator Anees Kazi from TU Munich, who was a visiting student at Imperial College last year, introduced them first.
[22] Note that reaching higher-order neighbours is normally achieved by depth-wise stacking graph convolutional layers operating with direct neighbours; in our architecture this is directly achieved in the first layer by powers of graph operators.
