Second VVIP aircraft for President PM arrives in Delhi
NEW DELHI: The second B-777 VVIP's aircraft Air India One landed at the Delhi airport on Saturday.
新德里:第二架波音-777 VVIP专机“印度航空一号”于周六降落在德里机场 。
Air India One aircraft is exclusively for the President Vice President and Prime Minister.
“印度航空一号”是专供总统、副总统和总理使用的 。
The first of the two VVIP aircraft Air India One arrived in India earlier this month.
两架“印度航空一号”VVIP专机中的第一架已于本月初抵达印度 。
These two aircraft were part of Air India's commercial fleet for a few months in 2018 before they were sent back to Boeing for retrofitting them for VVIP travel.
2018年 , 这两架飞机曾属于印度航空公司商业机队 , 之后被送回波音公司进行改装 , 以满足VVIP出行的需要 。
Officials said the total cost of purchase and retrofitting the two planes has been estimated to be around Rs 8400 crore.
官*员们表示 , 购买和改装这两架飞机的总成本估计为840亿卢比 。
The B777 planes will have state-of-the-art missile defence systems called Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) and Self-Protection Suites (SPS).
这架波音777专机搭载了最先进的导弹防御系统 , 即大型飞机红外对抗系统(LAIRCM)和自我保护套件(SPS) 。
In February the US agreed to sell the two defence systems to India at a cost of $190 million.
今年2月 , 美国同意以1.9亿美元的价格向印度出售这两套防御系统 。
During the travel of the VVIPs the two B777 aircraft will be operated by pilots of the Indian Air Force (IAF) and not of Air India an official said.
一位官*员说 , VVIP出行期间 , 这两架B777飞机将由印度空军(IAF)的飞行员执飞 , 而非印度航空公司的飞行员 。
Currently the president vice president and prime minister fly on Air India's B747 planes which have the call sign Air India One.
目前 , 总统、副总统和总理乘坐的是印度航空公司的波音747 , 该飞机的呼号是“印度航空一号” 。
Air India pilots fly these B747 aircraft for the dignitaries and the Air India Engineering Services Limited (AIESL) maintains them.
印度航空公司的飞行员为政要驾驶B747 , 印度航空公司工程服务有限公司(AIESL)负责这些飞机的维护 。
When these B747 aircraft are not flying the dignitaries they are used by the Indian national carrier for commercial operations.
当这些B747不搭载政要时 , 印度国家航空公司会将其用于商业运营 。
The custom-made B777 planes will be used for travel of the dignitaries only.
这架定制的B777飞机将只用于政要出行 。
I was selling tea since my childhood. After so much hard work I have reached a position where i am able to fool 1.3 billion people all the time.
莫迪:我从小卖茶 , 经过这么多年的努力 , 我已经身居高位 , 能够愚弄13亿印度人了 。
Ganesh Rao
waste of Tax Payers money .
浪费纳税人的钱 。
ordered by UPA Government. arriving now
国大党政府下单订购的 , 现在才到货
Ganesh Rao
cant they sit on existing aircrafts ?
Shantanu Jain
Thanks for wasting taxpayer money on luxuries
Billions of dollars of luxury is so wasteful
数十亿美元的奢侈品 , 太浪费了
People are dying with hunger and these psuedo Rajas are getting worthless aircraft for show off.
人民都要饿死了 , 而这些人却买毫无价值的飞机来炫耀 。
Pali Haresh
The poor are dying of hunger and the young are unemployed but the BJP carries on with reckless spending. Where is the patriotism.
穷人饿死 , 年轻人失业 , 而人民党继续挥霍无度 。 爱国主义何在?
Rewarding India
Are we paying taxes for this non-sense?
UPA go nment had ordered. know the facts. also this is not nonsense. it's national property. According to you India's PM President shouldn't even have a plane. Even Somalia head has a secure plane for their leade
国大党政府下的单 。 先了解事实 , 这些飞机是国家财产 。
就连索马里也为他们的领导人准备了一架专机 。
The planes will be used by the PM for election campaigns
总理将乘坐这架专机 , 搞竞选活动
Another View
India can afford to to spend such money with vibrant (sic) economy. Such politicians are elected by the tax payers . Is it not a legalized misappropriation ?
印度经济病入膏肓了 , 养得起这些飞机吗?
这些政客是由纳税人选出来的 , 他们是合法挪用公款吗?
vinaykumar acharya
The PM is eating not only a cake but spending millions of dollars for unnecessary things. He is dumbest PM India received so far. Fooling all the Indians
莫迪还在不该花的地方花费数百万美元 。 他是印度迄今为止最愚蠢的总理 。 他愚弄了所有印度人
Prince India
愚蠢的选民投票给亿万富翁 , 而他们自己却生活在贫困中 。 自1947年独立日以来 , 有什么变化吗?
Rajesh Singhal
India is termed as a country of the poor and the world was watching us when thousands of workers were moving on foot to reach their hometown during the Lockdown period. Before despatching the two VVIP air crafts to India the world must be laughing at us.
印度是贫穷国家 , 在封锁期间 , 数万名工人徒步返乡 , 全世界都在看我们的笑话 。 在把两架VVIP飞机发往印度之前 , 全世界一定也在嘲笑我们 。
It shows again that Feku aka Surrender Modi still keeps on wasting tax payers money even in the middle of a global pandemic despite the fact that 4 crore jobs have disappeared and 80 crore people now need free food grains just to stay alive. On top of that we are now facing multiple crises simultaneously - coronavirus pandemic economic meltdown floods unemployment famine border disputes rapes and pollution. Unfortunately Feku is only thinking about himself and himself only.
这再次表明 , 即使是在全球疫情期间 , 莫迪仍然继续浪费纳税人的钱 , 尽管4000万工作岗位消失了 , 8亿人现在需要靠免费口粮才能生存 。
除此之外 , 我们现在同时面临着多重危机——疫情、经济崩溃、洪水、失业、饥荒、边境纠纷、强奸和污染问题 。 不幸的是 , 莫迪只为自己着想 。
Sandeep Mandal
What a disgrace !! people of India suffering hungersuicidesunemployment and Top notch indulging in luxury. I haven't come across any such insensitiveinsensible govt across the globe.
印度人民饱受饥饿、自杀、失业的折磨 , 领导人还沉迷于奢侈品 。
在全球范围内都没见过这样麻木不仁的政府 。
Sudhir Sodhani
Is this needed when economy is shambles.We need a strong opposition to control govt unnecessary expences.
目前经济不景气 , 有必要买这些飞机吗?
我们需要一个强大的反对党 , 政府才不会乱花钱
Pradeep Kumar
Sad that the govt does not have money for the basic requirements or support our Jawans with more sophisticated weaponry are more interested in glamor and wanted to be in par with US President who has own aircraft. Tax payers money is being misused for sure
可悲的是 , 印度政府没有钱来满足基本需求 , 也没有钱为士兵购买更先进的武器 。 领导人的专机却要和美国总统平起平坐 。 纳税人的钱被滥用了
The cost is so high but safety of President VP and Prime Minister is important. It would be better if we could reduce the number of VVIPs in the country s
虽然成本很高 , 但总统、副总统和总理的安全很重要 。 如果我们能减少VVIP的数量就更好了
Strongly condemn this colossal waste of tax payers money when the nation's economy is in deep crisis
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