英雄联盟|国外趣评S10淘汰赛:射手差距,Loken拿烬被MF压,拿MF被烬压( 三 )

——Suning真的是宝藏队伍 , 惊喜连连
Game 3
having to lane against lvl 1 sheen gangplank is probably the closest you'll ever get a pro player to ragequit. poor zoom lmao
让一个职业选手最想直接退出比赛的莫过于要与一个一级就有一把耀光的船长对线了吧 , 可怜的Zoom 2333
I don't feel so bad about G2 losing to this team anymore.
——Look like Wunder was maybe right when he said SN was the best CN team, they could have 3/0 this series
——看起来Wunder说他认为SN是最强的LPL队伍其实是讲真的 , 他们本可以直接3-0拿下这次BO5
Call me toxic, but I don't think I'd play after that lvl 1, lol
——It seemed like Zoom didn't want to play as well, he got super tilted chasing Bard for nothing at one point.
随便你怎么说吧 , 反正我要是一级这么对线肯定是挂机的2333
——感觉Zoom其实也是想挂机的 , 看他追巴德半天追不到什么东西估计心态已经彻底炸了
How is Swordart both so int and Godlike on bard?
——Nothing to do with the player, that's just Bard as a champion.
——和选手没关系 , 巴德这英雄就这样
JDG aren't looking that convincing, for the whole tournament tbh
说实在的 , 一整个世界赛看下来 , JDG似乎并不是那么强大
Game 4
Huanfeng not only went from poverty to pro player but he is easily one of the best ADC at Worlds.
——Best Jhin performance ever? His MF was super good as well.
Huanfeng不仅走出贫穷 , 成为了职业选手 , 现在他还是世界赛上最佳ADC之一
(from poverty to pro player是外网一段关于Huanfeng的小型纪录片 , 改编自《少年来到海边》)
JDG's and especially Yagao's teamfighting on TF was legit atrocious in this game
But man, Huanfeng's Jhin is a sight to behold.
——Looks like Yagao ran out of gas after the first game.
——He was legit garbage. That tf ult in game 3 at mid was trolling.
——most of his flash gold cards also were, especially at drake fight
JDG , 尤其是Yagao的TF在团战里的表现真的太糟糕了
不过话说回来 , 我的天Huanfeng的烬真的是最美的风景
——他打得太垃圾了 , 第三局的TF真的是乱送
——他很多的闪现黄牌看起来也不怎么样 , 尤其是在小龙团战的时候
ADC difference, the series.
Huanfeng played some beautiful games.
——Huan Feng put on one hell of a show
——On the world stage, the curtain rises
——I can already imagine the Jhin lion skin
这个BO5 , 就是ADC的差距
——Huan Feng的演出 , 开始了
——世界赛的舞台 , 大幕渐起
JDG are the biggest disappointment so far for me. They've been underwhelming since the tournament started.
On the other hand, huanfeng is the biggest surprise. He's fucking insane.
对我来说JDG是目前最让人失望的队伍 , 他们从小组赛一开始的表现就不尽人意
