
Game 1
This was more entertaining than yesterday's three games combined lol
——Inject 5 games of this series into my veins, thank you
——it's up to SN to make the series close now. cmon 5 games
——请把五局这样的比赛注射到我的血管中 , 谢谢
——我就寄希望于SN能让这次番战更接近了 , 五局求求了
LCK: Shakespeare
LPL: The Art of War
——LCK: Sleeping pills; LPL: Trucker pills
——LCS: laxatives
——To be fair, LPL could also be Shakespeare, just when he decides to kill everyone near the end.
——Sun Tzu's belief was that the best way to win a war was without fighting if you could avoid it, so I'd actually relate that more to LCK than LPL
——讲道理 , LPL也可以是莎士比亚 , 比如快结束的时候把所有人都杀了这一点 。 (莎士比亚有些剧目有着毁灭性的结局 , 比如《哈姆雷特》)
——但孙子说过“不战而胜 , 善之善者”(不通过交战就降服全体敌人 , 才是最高明的) , 所以我也觉得LCK也算是战争的艺术
Yagao's Zoe is a thing of beauty man. So clutch!
On the other side...Angel with the Worlds 2020 special of "draft galio but draft him no ult targets". why does this keep happening?
Yagao的佐伊太赏心悦目了 , 厉害!
另外…Angel这加里奥真的就继续上演2020年特供的“选了加里奥但是没有进场英雄来配合” , 为什么这场面老是在发生?
LPL Renektons are just built different.
Well that was a pallet-cleanser from yesterdays B05.
SN is still a terrifying mid-game team, but their power-level drops so hard off in late. If SN gets games in this series, their wins will look like absolute stomps.
SN的中期仍然打得非常好 , 但他们到了后期之后能力明显不足 。 如果后面几局SN能赢的话 , 一定是一边倒地碾压对手
What a fucking game, this is everything I hoped from worlds QF game... AMAZING!
——Same thing happened last year with FPX vs iG, this is just LPL
这比赛绝了 , 这就是我想要在世界赛八进四想要看到的…太棒啦!
——去年的FPX和iG也一样 , 这就是LPL
Imagine still being an LCK fan. If you're going to watch asians play you might as well watch the fun ones.
我都想象不出为什么还有LCK饭 , 如果那么喜欢看亚洲队的比赛的话为什么不看更有趣的呢?
Yagaos Zoe is legit one of the most banworthy picks that exists
——Yagao only plays like 4 champions but he makes them work so hard.
Game 2
That was the most chad Jhin I have ever seen.
——JDG behind their tier 2: 'Aah finally our Jhin ult to help us... ,wait'
