英雄联盟|国外网友趣评S10淘汰赛第三日:要知道,世界赛上从来没有发生过让二追三( 三 )

Fnatic lost this because they did not understand that they cant front to back vs Sion as full ad comp.
——The Galio pick was horrible.
——And it was basically support galio with no farm at that.
——they tried to funnel a champ that can't kill a tank sion.
——而且基本上没怎么补刀 , 就是个辅助加里奥
Sion has been too tanky for 2 games in a row :
——Sion just sitting in the FNC backline tanking 3 people sums up these last two games. Selfmade was so fed and was playing well, but he had no way to do any meaningful damage.
——Actually the problem is on the builds. You simply can't skip black cleaver and botrk when your compo is full AD (Galio was giving mid farm) into a full armor Sion.
连续两把 , 塞恩都坦出天际了
——总结一下 , 这两局基本就是塞恩在FNC的后排扛着三个人的伤害 。 Selfmade是很肥 , 打得也不错 , 但他的输出基本上都没什么意义
——问题在于他们的出装 , 当你们的主要输出点都是AD伤害时 , 在面对狂堆护甲的塞恩的时候怎么可能不出黑切和破败?
Of all the games for teams to not buy Black Cleaver...
——Fnatic trolled hard with the itemization as a mostly physical damage team.
Karsa was such a godmode jungler. Like Selfmade got fucking funneled and Karsa still had same gold
——FNC has a better read on the meta but TES individuals are sooooo fucking good. Clash of styles.
Karsa简直是上帝级别的打野 , 就算Selfmade狂吃资源 , 但Karsa还是能和他用着同样的经济
——FNC对于版本的理解是对的 , 但TES的个人能力实在是太强了 。 两种风格的碰撞
Game 5
sometimes I think league should be branded as a horror game because this series was not good for my heart
——So close for FNC, yet so far.... Also, LPL Lee Sins' man...
——First Tian, now Karsa... LPL Lee sin is made of something else
有时候我觉得《英雄联盟》应该被列为恐怖游戏 , 这次BO5队伍的心脏太不友好了
——对于Fnatic来说 , 真的这么近那么远 。 而且 , LPL的李青真的是…
——首先是Tian , 然后是Karsa , LPL的李青真的技高一筹
luckily nemesis wasn't there to experience this painful defeat. good for him
——The Lee Sin's R kicked him away from the game and straight to the airport.
Nemesis很幸运 , 没有打这场比赛 , 不用感受到这样的痛苦
pick'ems are widebwipohappy
heart is widebwiposad :(((((((((
I wanna say this was a really fun five game series but fuck me that hurts so bad.
我真的觉得这个BO5挺好看的 , 但妈的我的心真的很痛
Every time Jackeylove E's forward the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land.
