KnowYourself|这3条选礼物的心理攻略,快来学习保命!| KY趣味心理速递Vol.27( 二 )

尽管这条听上去有点老生常谈 , 但 很多时候 , 我们往往太想给对方一个惊喜 , 而忽略了对方平时的真(feng)正(kuang)需(an)求(shi) 。
尽管大部分人仍然认为 , 给一个太没有悬念的礼物并不是件好的事情 , 研究者Gino和Flynn(2011)发现 , 在五次实验中 , 每一次结果都表明:比起那些ta们没有要求过的礼物 , 接收者们会更感激那些ta们主动要的礼物 。
KnowYourself|这3条选礼物的心理攻略,快来学习保命!| KY趣味心理速递Vol.27

礼物接收者/送出者对于要求/未要求礼物的实际或预测接收者的感激程度 , 截图自Gino, F., & Flynn, F. J. (2011). Give them what they want: The benefits of explicitness in gift exchange. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47 (5), 915–922.
不过 , 都这个时候了 , 如果现在去问对方“你明天想要什么”可能小命不保 。 还是偷偷看看对方的购物车 , 或者运用下你灵活的小脑袋回忆下ta留下过的线索吧 。
KnowYourself|这3条选礼物的心理攻略,快来学习保命!| KY趣味心理速递Vol.27

Chan, C., & Mogilner, C. (2017). Experiential gifts foster stronger social relationships than material gifts. Journal of Consumer Research , 43(6), 913–931.
Flynn, F. J., & Adams, G. S. (2009). Money can’t buy love: Asymmetric beliefs about gift price and feelings of appreciation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , 45(2), 404–409.
Galak, J., Givi, J., & Williams, E. F. (2016). Why certain gifts are great to give but not to get. Current Directions in Psychological Science , 25(6), 380–385.
Gino, F., & Flynn, F. J. (2011). Give them what they want: The benefits of explicitness in gift exchange. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , 47(5), 915–922.
Steffel, M., Williams, E. F., & Leboeuf, R. A. (2014). Giver-recipient discrepancies contribute to gift card non-redemption: Givers choose personalized but more-restrictive and less-preferred gift cards. PsycEXTR A Dataset .
