‘I heard you the other day saying that time is the enemy of man. You explained something briefly about it. It seems such an outrageous statement. And you have made other similar statements. Some of them I have found to be true, natural, but one’s mind never easily sees that which is actual, the truth, the fact, I was asking myself, and I have asked others too, why our minds have become so dull, so slow, why we cannot instantly see whether something is false or true?
“那天我听你说到了时间是人类的敌人 , 你也简要地解释了一下 。 可那是如此骇人听闻的一个说法 , 而且你也说过其他一些类似的话 。 其中有一些我发现是真实的、合理的 , 但我的心从来没有如此简单地看到真实的东西 , 看到事实、真相 , 于是我问自己 , 我也问过别人 , 为什么我们的心变得如此愚钝、如此迟缓 , 为什么我们就不能立刻看到某件事情的虚假或真实?
‘ Why do we need explanations which seem so obvious when you have explained them? Why don’t I, and any of us, see the truth of this fact? What has happened to our minds? I would like, if I may, to have a dialogue about it with you, to find out why my mind isn’t subtle, quick. And can this mind, which has been trained and educated, ever become really, deeply, subtle, rapid, seeing something instantly, the quality and the truth or the falseness of it?’
“ 你都解释得如此清楚了 , 我们为什么还需要解释?为什么我 , 以及我们每一个人 , 都看不到这个事实的真实性?我们的心出了什么问题?如果可以 , 我希望和你谈谈这个问题 , 好弄清楚我的心为什么不敏锐、不迅捷 。 还有 , 这颗受过训练和教育的心 , 究竟能不能真正变得敏锐、迅捷 , 能够即刻看清事实 , 看清事物的本质 , 看清它的真实或者虚假?”
Sir, let’s begin to enquire why we have become like this. It surely has nothing to do with old age. Is it the way of our life—the drinking, the smoking, the drugs, the bustle, the weariness, the everlasting occupation? Outwardly and inwardly we are occupied with something. Is it the very nature of knowledge? We are trained to acquire knowledge—through college, university, or in doing something skilfully. Is knowledge one of the factors of this lack of subtlety?
先生 , 我们先从探究我们为什么会变成这样开始 。 毫无疑问 , 这跟上了年纪没有任何关系 。 喝酒、抽烟、吸毒、奔忙、疲倦以及不停被占据 , 这是不是我们的生活方式?我们的内在和外在都被某种东西占据着 。 那是知识的本性吗?我们接受的训练就是获取知识——在学院里、大学里 , 或者在娴熟地做事的过程中 。 知识是不是缺乏敏感性的因素之一?
Our brains are filled with so many facts, they have gathered so much information, from the television and from every newspaper and magazine, and they are recording as much as they can; they are absorbing, holding. So is knowledge one of the factors that destroys subtlety? But you can’t get rid of your knowledge or put it aside; you have to have knowledge. Sir, you have to have knowledge to drive a car, to write a letter, to carry out various transactions; you even have to have some kind of knowledge of how to hold a spade. Of course you do. We have to have knowledge in the world of everyday activity.
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