教授|TED | 哈佛心理学教授:到底是什么造成了人和人之间的差异( 五 )

但是当我们扮演其他性格的时候需要万分小心。因为有时候我们 对自己太狠。我发现自己在假装外向性格一段时间之后,我需要自己躲起来疗伤。就像苏珊?凯恩在《安静》这本书中所写,其中一章提到一位古怪的加拿大教授,当时他在哈佛大学教书,他有时候会跑到男厕所,为了躲避烦人的外向者投来的明枪暗箭。
I remember one particular day when I was retired to a cubicle, trying to avoid overstimulation. And a real extrovert came in beside me -- not right in my cubicle, but in the next cubicle over -- and I could hear various evacuatory noises, which we hate -- even our own, that's why we flush during as well as after.
有一次我自己也躲进了小隔间,为了暂避外界纷扰。这时来了一个外向者,到我旁边——当然不是在一个小隔间,是在我旁边的小隔间——我听见了一连串物体落水的声音,这声音是很烦人的 ——哪怕是我们自己的,所以我们才会在上大号的中途也冲水。
And then I heard this gravelly voice saying, "Hey, is that Dr. Little?"
随后我就听到了一个沙哑的声音, “嘿,请问是利特尔博士吗?”
If anything is guaranteed to constipate an introvert for six months, it's talking on the john.
That's where I'm going now. Don't follow me. Thank you.
