
离华美国采访人员称依然眷恋中国 称导致该局面的是特朗普政府2020年07月21日 11:05:32来源:CGTN【离华美国采访人员称依然眷恋中国 称导致该局面的是特朗普政府】近日 , 被取消驻华采访人员资格的美国采访人员张彦(Ian Johnson)在《纽约时报》发表长文 , 在文中怀念着在中国生活的点滴岁月 , 表达了对中国的依依不舍 。 他并未因被迫离开中国而对中国心生怨恨 , 而是明确指出 , 造成这一切后果的正是特朗普政府 。 今年3月 , 特朗普政府驱逐几十名中国采访人员 , 中方随后作出反制 , 给部分美国采访人员下了“逐客令” 。 张彦认为 , 特朗普此举的主要目的是为了欺骗美国选民 , 赢得秋季总统大选 。 张彦是《纽约时报》的撰稿人 , 在中国前后生活了20年 。 Ian Johnson, a New York Times journalist, recently wrote an article recalling his time spent in China and expressing his warm feelings for the country, for the first time since his visa was canceled in March. Johnson, who spent 20 years in China, said he loved China "from the culture and the people to its can-do spirit and embrace of innovation." Johnson wrote that the expulsions of foreign reporters in China "were the direct result of American policy." The U.S. government expelled some 60 Chinese journalists from the U.S. in an attempt to use China as "a tool to help President Trump get re-elected in the fall," according to Johnson.离华美国记者称依然眷恋中国
[责任编辑:张博麟 PS038]
