_原题为 【博士奖学金】最新PhD招生和奖学金信息(96)
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1.The School of Economics and Finance Funded PhD Studentships
标签:Queen Mary University of London | The UK
截止日期:5pm (GMT) 14th December 2018
Profile Deion
The School of Economics and Finance at QMUL is one of UK's leading economics departments, having ranked 10th in the UK for research power in the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014).
We are home to more than 40 research active faculty, and a vibrant community of PhD students, working in a wide range of research areas, including macroeconomics, microeconomic theory and game theory, applied microeconomics, econometric theory, time series analysis, theoretical and empirical finance, and financial econometrics.
A number of funding streams are available for the School's MRes and PhD programmes in Economics and Finance:
Queen Mary University of London is a partner institution in one of the largest Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Doctoral Training Partnerships in the country. The London Interdisciplinary Social Science (LISS) partnership, with King's College London and Imperial College, provides over 50 funded ESRC studentships a year across a range of interdisciplinary areas to applicants meeting the ESRC eligibility criteria. Please visit the LISS DTP website for details of the studentship competition.
The deadline for ESRC applications to Queen Mary is 5pm (GMT) 14th December 2018. Eligible applicants will then be contacted by the School to work towards the LISS DTP deadline of 31st January 2019.
The School of Economics and Finance is also able to offer generous financial support to accepted MRes/PhD candidates (both UK and international) on a competitive basis. Full and partial 1+3 and +3 funding options are available, the funding package includes a £20,000 annual stipend during the PhD years and a minimum annual stipend of £16,000 in the MRes year, with a full fee waiver for all years.
The application deadline for internal studentships is 5pm (GMT) 31st January 2019.
Studentships are also available to international applicants in collaboration with the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC), please see the School's website for details and related deadlines.
Applicants must hold an MSc Economics or equivalent to be eligible to apply to the MRes/PhD programme.
Funding Notes
Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.
2.Indirect comparisons using single-arm trials in health technology assessment (GSK/ScHARR joint funded PhDstudentship)
标签:University of Sheffield | The UK
截止日期:13 September 2019
【消息资讯|【博士奖学金】最新PhD招生和奖学金信息(96)】Project Deion
Health technology assessment (HTA) is a multidisciplinary process to systematically evaluate the clinical, economic and broader impact of the use of a health technology. Evidence on clinical effectiveness can arise from multiple sources. In a hierarchy of study designs, randomised controlled trials are often considered to be the gold standard for evaluating a technology. Regulatory agencies may grant marketing authorisation on the basis of evidence from single-arm studies because it is unethical to randomise patients or difficult to recruit. Such lack of comparative evidence complicates economic evaluations used to assess which of several treatments should be adopted by a health care system. The need for indirect comparison methodology to assess relative treatment effects has led to the development of novel statistical methods and raised methodological challenges.
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