消息资讯|【博士奖学金】最新PhD招生和奖学金信息(96)( 二 )

This research aims to explore methods for adjusting for biases and characterise uncertainty arising from the use of single-arm studies in economic models.
This PhD is jointly funded by GSK and the University of Sheffield. In addition to the supervisors from the University of Sheffield, staff from GSK will also be part of the supervisory team. You will be given the opportunity to spend time at GSK to gain work and research experience.
Funding Notes
Funding is provided by GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) and the University of Sheffield. The project start date will be agreed with the successful candidate.
Applications are open to UK, EU and Overseas candidates.
Applicants can choose between 3 year full time or 6 year part time study (dependent on visa regulations). Funding covers full tuition fees (Home, EU or Overseas), a quarterly stipend at the UKRI rate (currently £15,009 for the 2019/20 academic year), and a £750 per annum support grant to assist with research costs. These figures are adjusted on a pro-rata basis for part time study.
3.EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Operational Research in Partnership with Industry (STOR-i)
标签:Lancaster University | The UK
截止日期:Early applications are encouraged

Profile Deion
TMCS is the UK's only Centre for Doctoral Training dedicated to computational and theoretical chemistry. In the TMCS programme, you will receive integrated, in-depth training in the core areas of:
fundamental theory
software development
application to contemporary research challenges
TMCS is formed as a consortium of leading research groups from the Universities of Oxford and Southampton. Our students take a year-one training programme of unparalleled depth and breadth right across the subject, and benefit from our strong links with prospective employers across a range of sectors
Research interests in TMCS include:
fundamental quantum theory, electronic structure and dynamics
simulation of materials, soft matter and biological systems
exploration of chemical reaction mechanisms and catalysis
Funding Notes
Funding includes a tax free stipend and fees as well as supporting travel and equipment costs. A fully-funded studentship consists of full fees and stipend of approximately £17,009 for the MRes year. On successful completion of the MRes this will rise to £18,009/£20,009 per year dependent on whether you do an industry funded PhD.
Non-EU students: Exceptional overseas applicants may be considered for a limited number of funded places.
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