医师报|2020世界血友病联盟峰会:It’s personal,武田支持出血性疾病患者个体化护理( 二 )

注:本文所涉Rixubis产品尚未在中国上市 。
References[1] 20th Anniversary Report on the Annual Global Survey 2018. World Federation of Hemophilia. Available at: http://www1.wfh.org/publications/files/pdf-1731.pdf. Last accessed May 2020.
[2] Iorio, A., et al. Establishing the Prevalence and Prevalence at Birth of Hemophilia in Males: A Meta-analytic Approach Using National Registries. Ann Intern Med. 2019 Oct 15;171(8):540-546.
[3] WFH 2020 Virtual Summit. Abstract MED‐FP‐005 (363). Effectiveness, safety, and health‐related quality of life outcomes in patients with hemophilia A receiving antihemophilic factor (recombinant) in a real‐world setting: results of a 6‐year interim analysis of the AHEAD International study.
[4] WFH 2020 Virtual Summit. iPoster MTD-PO-057. Multi-department collaboration for the management of hemophilia A: a physician survey in China.
[5] WFH 2020 Virtual Summit. iPoster MED-PO-018. Safety and Effectiveness of Rixubis in Patients with Hemophilia B in South Korea: A Real-World, Prospective, Post-marketing Surveillance Study.
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