
话说 , 去年小哥费玉清在告别演唱会上宣布封麦 , 原本以为小哥从此正式引退歌坛 , 就此就将和我们相忘于江湖 。 谁曾料到 , 小哥最近竟然在欧美一夜而红 , 而那首经典曲目《一剪梅》也登上了欧美各大音乐榜榜首!
在国际音乐平台Spotify上 , 《一剪梅》突然拿到了近期挪威第一、瑞典第二、新西兰第一、芬兰第二的好成绩 。 这么火爆的程度几乎是华语歌曲史无前例的第一次 。

y, the classic Chinese song "Yi Jian Mei" by singer-songwriter Fei Yu-ching has become a hit in the English-speaking world. On the music platform Spotify, Yi Jian Mei once ranked as the most searched song in Norway and the second most searched in Finland.
最近 , 唱作人费玉清演唱的经典华语曲目《一剪梅》在英语国家成为热门曲目 , 在音乐平台Spotify上成为挪威热搜第一、芬兰热搜第二的歌曲 。

结果很多人都被这句歌词彻底洗脑 , 甚至开始对嘴唱起中文歌来.....
原来最开始 , 国外网友们知道这首歌不是因为费玉清 , 是通过一个叫做蛋哥的网红了解的 。
蛋哥在今年年初传了一段视频到快手上 , 视频里 , 他站在白茫茫的雪地里一边自拍、一边应景地唱着:雪花飘飘北风啸啸 , 天地一片苍茫 。

而之后 , 这段视频被网友转发到了youtube上 , 结果一下子就火了!

netizens have expressed surprise that the classic Chinese song "Yi Jian Mei" (original name of "Xue Hua Piao Piao") has become the first Chinese song to go viral in the US and other Western countries and become an international meme on social media platforms such as Tik Tok and Twitter, with many of them saying that the internet sometimes helps promote cultural exchange in unexpected ways.
经典歌曲《一剪梅》(“雪花飘飘”的原名)成为第一首在美国和其他西方国家爆红的中文歌曲 , 并在抖音、推特等社交媒体平台上成为国际模因 , ***民对此表示惊讶 , 许多人表示 , 互联网时常会以意想不到的方式促进文化交流 。
Recently, a video known as "Asian Man Singing in the Snow" or "Xue Hua Piao Piao" (the lyrics of the song performed in the video), depicting an Asian man with an egg-shaped head performing Yi Jian Mei - which means plum blossom branch - while twirling in the snow and filming himself has gained mainstream popularity, according to a report by internet memes research website Know Your Meme.
据网络模因研究网站Know Your Meme的一份报告显示 , 最近一段名为“亚洲人在雪中唱歌”或“雪花飘飘”(视频中演唱的歌词)的视频成为了主流热门 , 视频中一个蛋头亚洲人在雪中旋转并自拍自己表演《一剪梅》(意为梅花枝) 。
Yi Jian Mei was first sung by the singer-songwriter Fei Yu-ching in 1983 and has been extremely popular for decades in Chinese culture. The video of the song on YouTube had been viewed over 16 million times as of Monday, after it became popular in the English-speaking world. It was also trending in many countries' music lists, including those in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and New Zealand.
