
寒冬腊月 , 雪满天山 , 我们就是在这样的时候赶赴新疆进行采访拍摄的 。 我们一路用镜头 , 讲述所有人的新疆记忆 。
在完成了前两部中国新疆反恐纪录片《中国新疆 反恐前沿》和《幕后黑手——“东伊运”与新疆暴恐》后 , 我们带来的第三部纪录片《巍巍天山——中国新疆反恐记忆》 , 专注于恐怖主义和暴力行径给人带来的伤害和人为反恐付出的代价 。
After finishing two documentaries on Xinjiang's anti-terrorism, we felt there were still stories which needed telling. Fighting Terrorism in Xinjiang reveals the seriousness of the problem in the region. The Black Hand—ETIMand Terrorism in Xinjiang searches for the reasons behind the extremism. The third documentary, Tianshan: Still Standing, focuses on the cost of the violence.
We went to Xinjiang in early January. It was snowing almost everywhere. The more people we interviewed, the more we understood the need to do the documentary. I hope through our lens, their memories could be part of the footnotes in the history of modern Xinjiang.
All survivors have their own story
我们的采访对象共三十余人 , 遍布整个新疆 , 他们或曾死里逃生、或曾痛失所爱 。
这其中 , 有恐怖分子必欲除之而后快的警察 , 有在暴恐案件中失去一条腿的年轻理疗师 , 有艾提尕尔清真寺继承父亲遗志的伊玛目 , 有既是幸存者又是治疗者的心理医生 , 有女承父业且第三代仍然想做警察的烈士之女 , 有未成年就被迫走入一场强制婚姻的女性 , 有中国西陲村庄的护边员 。
我们力求以客观的态度记录下发生的一切 , 尽量避免让这些故事沦为耸人听闻的戏剧夸张 。 而对于每一位采访对象的发声 , 我们都抱以平等的尊重 , 并诚挚感激他们给予的信任 。
我们尽可能原原本本地讲述每一个故事 , 至于解读的权力 , 我们则交在每位观众手中 。
We talked to over 30 of survivors and those who lost someone close, from all across Xinjiang. A policeman who is one of the biggest targets of terrorists. A young physical therapist who lost her leg in a terrorist attack. The son of the assassinated imam of the Id Kah Mosque. A psychologist providing PTSD counseling. The only gang member to surrender in a raid. A daughter who remembers her father by taking up his work. A woman forced to marry when she was only 14. And border guards in China's westernmost village.
We wanted to avoid sensationalizing or dramatizing their stories. We tried to take a detached attitude in observing the situation. We have great respect for their courage to speak out and gratitude for their trust. We used as many of their own words as possible, hoping this documentary may help viewers form their own perspectives.
Reducing misconceptions
外界对于新疆问题的指责往往源自根深蒂固的误解 , 而所谓的《维吾尔人权政策法案》不过是西方世界对于中国新疆种种偏见的又一次集中展示 。 打破人们对新疆的刻板印象 , 是我们制作《巍巍天山》的初衷 。
We've found that many criticisms concerning Xinjiang outside the region may result from misunderstanding. Some of these are deep-rooted. For example: "Xinjiang belongs only to Uygurs. Terrorism results from the government's fight against it. The anti-poverty drive is to take away the resources of the local minorities. Learning Mandarin Chinese is to eradicate ethnic culture." Many say the U.S. Uygur Human Rights Bill is an extreme case of misconceptions which have political purposes. Tianshan: Still Standing, aims to break the stereotypes.
对于西方世界 , 新疆是一个杂糅了神秘异域风情和地缘政治博弈的话题;然而在新疆发生的故事 , 也同样发生在中国其他地方 , 只不过新疆独特的文化与地理位置为它的故事更添复杂 。 中国的故事无法一言蔽之 , 中国的差异性与复杂性也远远超出西方媒体的简读、误读 。
虽然纪录片中使用了大量首次公布的画面 , 但是展现暴恐案(事)件的血腥暴力绝非纪录片的初衷 , 本片的目的是溯源新疆暴恐问题的实质 , 当主权受到威胁 , 任何国家都势必采取强硬态度 。
This documentary makes many police and surveillance videos available to the public for the first time. But let's be clear: Showing brutal killings is not our objective. As Yalqun Yaqup, Deputy Director General of the Xinjiang Public Security Department, points out, "Religious extremism is their ideology, violent terrorism is their tactics, and their ultimate aim is to split the motherland." When it comes to sovereignty, any country could take a hard line.
